github safing/spn v0.4.14

latest releases: v0.7.6, v0.7.5, v0.7.4...
23 months ago


0931115 Improve op capacity test
bebe36f Improve module dependencies and context usage
07a1957 Update deps
90a5509 Update portbase and portmaster
33a567f Disable nolintlint linter
828a8cb Add current main intel as test file
6b3105f Increase health check timeout to mitigate flow bug a little
824f68a Consolidate Hub related intel and add VerifiedOwner
e6887c5 Use JSON and CBOR for introducing tags instead
0a434f5 Improve find nearest error handling
52f1d77 Fix access tests
729c66d Improve unknown op logging
e652836 Add more prioritized scheduling
a33c4f9 Add MsgTypePriorityData and scheduling via prioritized microtasks
b552806 Fix logging prefixes

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