github sabeechen/hassio-google-drive-backup v0.112.1

6 months ago

v0.112.1 [2023-11-03]

  • Added warnings about using the "Stop Addons" feature. I plan on removing this in the near future. If you'd like to keep the feature around, please give your feedback in this GitHub issue.
  • When backups are stuck in the "pending" state, the addon now provides you with the Supervisor logs to help figure out whats wrong.
  • Added support for the "exclude Home Assistant database" options for automatic backups
  • Added configuration options to limit the speed of uploads to Google Drive
  • When Google Drive doesn't have enough space, the addon now explains how much space you're using and how much is left. This was a source of confusion for users.
  • When the addon halts because it needs to delete more than one backup, it now tells you which backups will be deleted.
  • Fixed a bug when using "stop addons" that prevented it from recognizing addons in the "starting" state.
  • The addon's containers are now donwloaded from Github (previously was DockerHub)
  • Added another redundant token provider, hosted on heroku, that the addon uses for its cloud-required component when you aren't using your own google app credentials.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.111.1...v0.112.1

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