github rustwasm/wasm-pack v0.2.0
🌌 v0.2.0

latest releases: v0.12.1, v0.12.0, v0.11.1...
6 years ago

This release focuses on filling out all commands and improving stderr/out
handling for improved user experience!

✨ Features

  • pack and publish - jamiebuilds, pull/67
    You can now run wasm-pack pack to generate a tarball of your generated package,
    as well as run wasm-pack publish to publish your package to the npm registry.
    Both commands require that you have npm installed, and the publish command requires
    that you be logged in to the npm client. We're working on wrapping the npm login
    command so that you can also login directly from wasm-pack, see pull/100 for more
  • package.json is pretty printed now - yoshuawuyts, pull/70

    Previously, package.json was not very human readable. Now it is pretty printed!

  • collaborators - yoshuawuyts, pull/70

    wasm-pack now will fill out the collaborators field in your package.json for
    you based on your Cargo.toml authors data. For more discussion on how we decided
    on this v.s. other types of author fields in package.json, see issues/2.

🤕 Fixes

🛠️ Maintenance and 📖 Documentation

Thanks so much to mgattozzi, data-pup, sendilkumarn, Andy-Bell,
steveklabnik, jasondavies, and edsrzf for all the awesome refactoring,
documentation, typo-fixing, and testing work. We appreciate it so much!

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