github rust-lang/rustlings 4.4.0
Rustlings 4.4.0

latest releases: 5.6.1, 5.6.0, 5.5.1...
3 years ago

See the changelog for what's changed. Some highlights:

  • A lot of small and large improvements to how exercises work
  • rustlings list now displays structured data, and a takes a lot more options to filter that data:


  • It also now shows you progress per-exercise, and a total summary of your completion:


  • The compliation times for Rustlings should be significantly sped up, we replaced the crate we use for CLI option parsing with something more lightweight
  • Rustlings now respects the NO_EMOJI envionment variable
  • A new exercise, iterators5, has been added

To upgrade, run:

git fetch
git checkout tags/4.4.0

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