1.0.0 (2023-10-31)
- update Release-As version to 1.0.0 (not-squashed) (2c97323)
Bug Fixes
- ecr credential helper hash check (#668) (4b1b0a2)
- ecr creds helper and credential_process (#510) (0525753)
- improve creds helper UX (#673) (bc238cf)
- run SOCI as a systemd service (#667) (24fd649)
- soci being reset on vm stop/start (#672) (9df7d32)
Build System or External Dependencies
- deps: Bump github.com/docker/cli from 24.0.6+incompatible to 24.0.7+incompatible (#665) (43a57ff)
- deps: Bump github.com/docker/docker from 24.0.6+incompatible to 24.0.7+incompatible (#666) (4e06d28)
- deps: Bump github.com/lima-vm/lima from 0.17.2 to 0.18.0 (#643) (f181b89)
- deps: Bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.10 to 1.28.0 (#583) (9d1ad57)
- deps: Bump github.com/runfinch/common-tests from 0.7.6 to 0.7.7 (#609) (e21ae83)
- deps: Bump github.com/runfinch/common-tests from 0.7.7 to 0.7.8 (#617) (4d942f5)
- deps: Bump github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3 from 3.23.8 to 3.23.9 (#588) (20385b7)
- deps: Bump golang.org/x/tools from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0 (#610) (8938cf3)
- deps: Bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.53.0 to 1.56.3 (#658) (321487c)
- deps: Bump k8s.io/apimachinery from 0.28.2 to 0.28.3 (#652) (05f9d53)
- deps: Bump submodules and dependencies (#637) (b094751)