github runatlantis/atlantis v0.28.2

latest release: v0.28.3
10 days ago

Maintainer Notes

  1. Atlantis Accepted as CNCF Sandbox Project. We are thrilled to announce that the Atlantis project has been accepted as a CNCF Sandbox project! This is a significant milestone for us, and we are excited about the future opportunities and growth this will bring to our community.
  2. April 2024 Survey Results Published. Thank you to everyone who participated in our survey! We have compiled and published the results. You can read the full report here: April 2024 Survey Results. We will continue conducting such surveys in the following months to keep improving and addressing our community’s needs.
  3. Integrating Atlantis with Opentofu. We have published a new blog post on integrating Atlantis with Opentofu, written by Mateus Sousa. Check it out here: Integrating Atlantis with Opentofu. We welcome new blog post submissions from the community to help improve Atlantis usage.
  4. Join Our Community on Slack. If you have any questions or concerns, please join our Slack community and share with us: Join Atlantis Community on Slack.

What's Changed

Exciting New Features 🎉

  • feat: optionally hide multienv output by @anryko in #4422
  • feat: add silence_pr_comments on plan and apply by @anryko in #4543

Bug fixes 🐛

  • fix: add app to the github app installation id by @bdellegrazie in #4650
  • fix: Preventing merging without running atlantis apply on Gitlab by @shurkus in #4651

Other Changes 🔄

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.28.0...v0.28.2

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