github rui314/mold v1.4.2
mold 1.4.2

latest releases: v2.34.1, v2.34.0, v2.33.0...
2 years ago

mold 1.4.2 is a maintenance release of the high-speed linker. This release includes, but not limited to, the following improvements and bug fixes.

Note for those who create mold binary packages: if you are building mold for binary distribution, please link the bundled libtbb statically (which is default) or rebuild your distro's libtbb package with my patch so that mold's Link-Time Optimization (LTO) works reliably under heavy load.

New features and bug fixes

  • [RV32] We've fixed several issues for 32-bit RISC-V. mold can now build complex programs including itself for the target.
  • [ARM32] mold gained range extension thunks so that it can now link programs whose .text is larger than 16 MiB. Previously, mold couldn't link such large programs. We've also fixed general stability issues for ARM32.


mold is an open-source project, and we accept donations via GitHub Sponsors and OpenCollective. We thank you to everybody who sponsors our project. In particular, we'd like to acknowledge the following organizations and people who have sponsored $32/mo or more during this release cycle:

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