github ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby v0.7.0.rc2
0.7.0 Release Candidate 2

latest releases: v1.2.3, v1.2.2, v1.2.1...
pre-release9 years ago

Major actor updates plus several bug fixes and minor refactoring. Please see the changelog for details.

  • C native CAtomicBoolean
  • C native CAtomicFixnum
  • Refactored intermittently failing tests
  • Added dataflow! and dataflow_with! methods to match Future#value! method
  • Better handling of timeout in Agent
  • Actor Improvements
    • Fine-grained implementation using chain of behaviors. Each behavior is responsible for single aspect like: Termination, Pausing, Linking, Supervising, etc. Users can create custom Actors easily based on their needs.
    • Supervision was added. RestartingContext will pause on error waiting on its supervisor to decide what to do next ( options are :terminate!, :resume!, :reset!, :restart!). Supervising behavior also supports strategies :one_for_one and :one_for_all.
    • Linking was added to be able to monitor actor's events like: :terminated, :paused, :restarted, etc.
    • Dead letter routing added. Rejected envelopes are collected in a configurable actor (default: Concurrent::Actor.root.ask!(:dead_letter_routing))
    • Old Actor class removed and replaced by new implementation previously called Actress. Actress was kept as an alias for Actor to keep compatibility.
    • Utils::Broadcast actor which allows Publish–subscribe pattern.

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