github rsuite/rsuite 3.7.5

latest releases: v5.6.6, v4.10.10, v5.6.5...
5 years ago


January 31, 2019

  • Improve: Adjust the style of the Close button on <Tag> (#387)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an errorMessage for <FormControl> that could not overwrite formError in <Form> (#389)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a passively triggered onScroll event on <Table> that caused the scrollbar to be misaligned (#388)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the style is not uniform when the picker mouse hovers (#386)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the <Notification> header text is too long to be displayed (#385)
  • Bugfix: Fixed searchKeyword not controlled in <TreePicker> and <CheckTreePicker> (#384)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where icons could not be used in combination in <DropdownMenu> and <Sidenav> (#383)
  • Bugfix: Fixed the node alignment issue that occurred after <Checktree> setting uncheckableItemValues and virtualized (#382)

  • Improve: 调整了 <Tag> 上关闭按钮的样式 (#387)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <FormControl>errorMessage 属性不能覆盖 <Form>formError (#389)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Table> 上被动触发的 onScroll 事件, 该事件导致滚动条不对齐 (#388)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 Picker 鼠标悬停时样式不统一的问题 (#386)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Notification> 标题文本太长无法显示的问题 (#385)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <TreePicker><CheckTreePicker>searchKeyword 属性不受控 (#384)
  • Bugfix: 修复了图标无法在 <DropdownMenu><Sidenav> 中组合使用的问题(#383)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Checktree> 同时设置 uncheckableItemValuesvirtualized 后出现的节点对齐问题 (#382)

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