github rstudio/rmarkdown v2.10
rmarkdown 2.10

latest releases: v2.28, v2.27, v2.26...
3 years ago
  • md_document() will now handle correctly preserve_yaml value for all variants and all pandoc versions (#2190).

    • with preserve_yaml = TRUE, markdown output will keep the YAML metadata block from the Rmd file.
    • with preserve_yaml = FALSE, markdown output will have no YAML metadata block.

    This fixes a breaking change in Pandoc 2.13 regarding gfm, commonmark and commonmark_x which now supports yaml_metadata_block by default (#2118).

  • New supported syntax for Shiny prerendered documents: you can now use server: shiny or server: type: shiny.

  • Ability to inject additional functions into Shiny prerendered server scope using the "server-extras" context.

  • Fixed the syntax highlighting issue with R's pipe operator |> (thanks, @edzer, rstudio/bookdown#1157).

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