github rrweb-io/rrweb rrweb@2.0.0-alpha.18

latest releases: @rrweb/utils@2.0.0-alpha.18, @rrweb/types@2.0.0-alpha.18, rrweb-player@2.0.0-alpha.18...
pre-release14 days ago

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • #1535 04ee6ed Thanks @eoghanmurray! - Slight simplification to how we replace :hover after #1458

  • #1437 5fbb904 Thanks @eoghanmurray! - Edge case: Provide support for mutations on a <style> element which (unusually) has multiple text nodes

  • #1593 5a78938 Thanks @daibhin! - NodeType enum was moved from rrweb-snapshot to @rrweb/types
    The following types where moved from rrweb-snapshot to @rrweb/types: documentNode, documentTypeNode, legacyAttributes, textNode, cdataNode, commentNode, elementNode, serializedNode, serializedNodeWithId, serializedElementNodeWithId, serializedTextNodeWithId, IMirror, INode, mediaAttributes, attributes and DataURLOptions

  • Updated dependencies [8e55c45, 02cc62d, 04ee6ed, 5fbb904, 5a78938]:

    • rrdom@2.0.0-alpha.18
    • rrweb-snapshot@2.0.0-alpha.18
    • @rrweb/types@2.0.0-alpha.18
    • @rrweb/utils@2.0.0-alpha.18

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