github rrweb-io/rrweb rrweb-snapshot@2.0.0-alpha.15

latest releases: @rrweb/utils@2.0.0-alpha.17, @rrweb/types@2.0.0-alpha.17, rrweb-snapshot@2.0.0-alpha.17...
pre-release5 months ago

Major Changes

  • #1497 2606a2a Thanks @Juice10! - Distributed files have new filenames, paths and extensions. Important: If you reference distributed files or types directly, you might have to update your paths/filenames. E.g. you import from rrweb/typings/... or rrdom/es. However you run import rrweb from 'rrweb' you won't notice a difference with this change. If you include rrweb files directly in a script tag, you might have to update that path to include a the .umd.cjs files instead. All .js files now use ES modules which can be used in modern browsers, node.js and bundlers that support ES modules. All npm packages now also ship .cjs and .umd.cjs files. The .umd.cjs files are CommonJS modules that bundle all files together to make it easy to ship one file to browser environments (similar to the previous .js files). The .cjs files are CommonJS modules that can be used in older Node.js environments. Types should be better defined in package.json and if you need specific types they might be exported from new packages (for example PlayerMachineState and SpeedMachineState are now exported from @rrweb/replay). Check the package.json's main and exports field for the available files.

Patch Changes

  • #1468 4014305 Thanks @eoghanmurray! - inlineImages: during snapshot avoid adding an event listener for inlining of same-origin images (async listener mutates the snapshot which can be problematic)

  • #1493 82f6fec Thanks @eoghanmurray! - Replay: Replace negative lookbehind in regexes from css parser as it causes issues with Safari 16

  • #1482 f3cf092 Thanks @AlfieJones! - (when recordCanvas: true): ensure we use doc.createElement instead of document.createElement to allow use in non-browser e.g. jsdom environments

  • #760 e08706a Thanks @eoghanmurray! - Add slimDOM option to block animation on <title> tag; enabled when the 'all' value is used for slimDOM

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