Red Panda C++ Version 2.6
- enhancement: Highlighter for makefiles
- fix: QSortFilterProxyModel not correctly cleared when exiting and project closed. (ASSERT fails in DEBUG mode.)
- enhancement: Windows installers now use UNICODE encoding.
- fix: Can't correctly show code suggestions after "template <"
- enhancement: Better code completion support for macros
- fix: Paste not enabled when create a new file and system clipboard is empty.
- enhancement: Auto rebuild when project's compiler set changed.
- enhancement: When current file is the project's makefile, show project's compiler set in the toolbar.
- enhancement: Prevent error of "del" to stop make when rebuild project.
- enhancement: Import FPS (free problem set) files.
- enhancement: Show current problem's description in the problem list's mouse tip.
- enhancement: Show memory usage for problem cases (windows only).
- enhancement: Show memory usage after console program exited.
- fix: If clang and g++ are in the same folder, only the compiler sets for gcc are auto generated.
- fix: Buttons in options -> compiler -> compiler set -> programs are not usable.
- enhancement: Don't check existence of gcc/g++/make/gdb at startup.
- enhancement: Auto disable "compile" button if gcc doesn't exist.
- enhancement: Auto disable "debug" button if gdb doesn't exist.
- enhancement: Auto disable "compile" button for project if make doesn't exist.
- fix: Crash when scroll file which has more than 65535 lines.
- fix: Can't scroll to lines greater than 65535.