- enhancement: Code suggestion for embedded std::vectors.
- change: Use ctrl+mouseMove event to highlight jumpable symbols (instead of ctrl+tooltip).
- enhancement: Auto adjust position of the suggestion popup window.
- enhancement: Windows XP support ( by cyano.CN )
- fix: attribute is not correctly handled if it is after 'static'.
- enhancement: Parse files that contains C++ 20 'concept' keyword. (No code suggesion for concepts now)
- enhancement: Parse files that contains C++ 20 'requires' keyword.
- fix: Code suggestions in namespace.
- enhancement: Code suggestions for namespace alias.
- fix: Correctly handle statements like 'using xxx::operator()'.
- fix: Link in the project options dialog / precompiled header pages is not clickable.
- change: Don't change caret position when ctrl+click.
- fix: Should cd to working directory when debugging.
- change: Ensure the line just below caret is visible while moving caret.
- change: Set mouse cursor to hand pointing when it's on gutter.
- enhancement: Basic support for parsing variadic macros(macros that use VA_ARGS).
- enhancement: Better support for expanding macros with complex parameters.
- fix: Macros that defined by the compiler are not correctly syntax-colored and tooltiped.
- fix: Code suggestion for identifiers after '*' (eg. 3 * item->price) can't correct.
- fix: C++ compiler atrribute '[[xxx]]' are not correctly handled.
- fix: If the integrated gcc compiler is add to path, auto find compilers will find in twice. (Windows)
- enhancement: When induce type info for return value, try to select the overloaded one that doesn't have an "auto" type.
- enhancement: Hide symbols that contains "<>" in code suggestions.
- enhancement: Slightly reduce memory usage.
- change: In Options -> Language -> Generate Assembly, option "Don't generate SEH directives" default to True.
- change: In Options —> Editor -> Code Suggestion, option "Hide symbols starting with underscore" default to True.
- fix: Crash if include a non-exist header file in the source.
- fix: Line numbers for problem case input/output/expected texteditors are not vertically centered.
- enhancement: E-ink color scheme.
- fix: Use the system default encoding for input when running problem cases.
- change: Use qt.conf to use freetype font engine. User can use the windows default font engine by remove this file.
- fix: Click on the line begin may toggle breakpoint.
- change: Don't auto add; when completing '{' for lines starting with 'struct/union/enum' and ending with ')'
- Enhancement: Better support for macros.
- Enhancement: Better type induction for auto in foreach loop of maps.
- Enhancement: Better contrast for scroller slider in dark theme.
- Enhancement: Using lua script in themes.
- Enhancement: Add compiler hint add-on interface for packager.
- Enhancement: Loose some limit about platform/architecture (such as ASan).
- Enhancement: add support for Windows user-wide installation.
- Enhancement: add qmake variable to control preference of UTF-8 compatible OpenConsole.exe on Windows.
- Enhancement: add Windows arm64 package.
- Fix: Force to use debug server when debugging with lldb-mi to fix input/output on Windows.
- Fix: Can't goto definition/declaration into files that not saved.
- Fix: Expression that starts with full scoped variables might be treated as var definition.
- Enhancement: Don't auto-indent in raw string.
- Fix: Function list is not correctly retrived for full-scoped functions.
- Enhancement: Improved Raw string support
- Enhancement: New option for compiler set "Don't localize gcc output messages"