github roughnecks/ZED v1.3.3
ZED v1.3.3

latest releases: v2.2.0, v2.1.3, v2.1.2...
5 years ago

This is a fairly stable release but it lacks logic to catch all connection-related issues, both on Steam and end user side. It means that whenever Steam goes down (like on Tuesday's maintenance), your public IP changes or any other network issue arises, ZED is not capable to handle them and it may crash or stop accepting offers.


The following is a list of functions that ZED provides at the moment:

  • Accept any offer from owner.
  • Accept donations from everyone (no items loss).
  • Accept Friendship Invitations from everyone.
  • Simple interaction via chat and signing friends profiles upon request.
  • Post a comment on its own profile with a "Thank You" message to donors (WIP - Donation must contain >4 Items).
  • New items check (logs to console when our inventory has new items).
  • Chat messages check (logs to console when bot receives a chat message).
  • Notifications check (logs to console if any new comment is available).

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