github rotki/rotki v1.33.1
Rotki v1.33.1 - Clean Crown

27 days ago


rotki v1.33.1 is a bugfixes release fixing issues you guys found in the past weeks. The two most important changes is adding support for the new Coinbase API keys and deprecating all calls to the now sunset Graph hosted service while allowing for Graph API keys.

It contains 46 commits from 10 different contributors.

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

Things to note

Graph API Keys

The Graph hosted service has been sunset. We don't rely on the graph for anything important but there is 2 places we still use it. You can now create a free api key with them here: and add it to rotki.

If you do you will be able to utilize two things you otherwise will be missing in rotki:

  • Balancer pools LP balances
  • ENS name information for a subset of ENS events

The free API key is limited in the amount of queries it can do. If you need more you can add some GRT to pay for more queries.

Coinbase API Keys

Coinbase API keys have introduced a new format. You now need to generate an API key from the Coinbase Developer Portal:

This rotki release adds support for those api keys since the old ones are being deprecated.

Staked GRT in Arbitrum

If you have any staked GRT balances in arbitrum and they are not fully seen by rotki then you should re-decode all GRT related transactions and restart the app.

Go to the history events page, filter by "thegraph" protocol and go through each transaction and press redecode events.


By redecoding each transaction rotki will understand you have Graph actvity and will run the proper code to query for staked GRT. From 1.34.0 this hack won't be needed since redecoding will run for all transactions again.

New Features

  • #7358 Added support for detection of staked GRT tokens on Arbitrum.
  • rotki now optionally can use the decentralized TheGraph service. You can get a free api key at
  • #7816 rotki should now support the new coinbase api key format from the coinbase develop portal.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the issue where airdrops aren't properly filtered by status.
  • #7791 Killing the rotki processes in Windows should now work fine and no zombie processes should remain. In turn this should also make the auto upgrade work for Windows.
  • #7905 rotki will now properly show the decoding progress of zksync-lite transactions.
  • Fix the issue where the MATIC amount always shows as zero in the Polygon balance table.
  • #7915 Show OKX balances locked in active trades.
  • Periodic detection of spam tokens won't consider spam those tokens that have been whitelisted.
  • Compound v2 transactions containing also flash loans of same asset type will now be properly decoded.

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