github rotki/rotki v1.30.1
Rotki v1.30.1 - Patched Crest Feather

latest releases: v1.33.1, v1.33.0, v1.32.2...
9 months ago


rotki v1.30.1 is a small patch release on top of 1.30.0 fixing some of the bugs our users found in the last week. Most important bug fixed here is the fix for the ability to push the DB backup to the server for premium users. It contains 20 commits from 4 different contributors.

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

Bug Fixes

  • Last premium DB upload will now show the last known DB upload time from the remote and not the time the local app did its last upload. This is important for people using multiple machines.
  • #6528 Spam assets will be synced across accounts sharing the same globaldb and won't be queried during token detection.
  • Removed deprecated "Reset DB button" from the aave/yearn view.
  • #6524 Premium users will be able to explicity request to force push their local DB to the server backup properly again.
  • Fix an issue where certain gitcoin donations were not detected in optimism and where the big transfer to the contract which later splits into the donations was mistakenly kept.

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