github rotki/rotki v1.23.2
Rotki v1.23.2 - Cleaner Rookery

latest releases: v1.33.0, v1.32.2, v1.32.1...
2 years ago


rotki v1.23.2 is a small patch release fixing a number of bugs you guys found in the last week and also introducing some minor improvements. Most important of which are fixes and improvements of NFT querying to try and fight opensea's API quirks and AVAX balance query fixes. Also adding the ability to add your own Opensea API key which you can get from here:

It contains 23 commits by 3 different authors.
For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

New Features

  • Users can now add an OpenSea API key to the external api keys page. Also some changes were made to try and improve opensea retrievals even without the user needing to input a key.
  • #3952 Maker's WBTC-B, WBTC-C and MATIC-A vaults are now supported.

Bug Fixes

  • Users will now be properly prompted to restart the application after the auto-updater downloads the update.
  • #3943 Users will now be able to properly add multiple accounts on Avalance even if they exist on Ethereum.
  • #3964 Liquity Troves managed by a DSProxy will now see their events properly listed.
  • The application will now notify the user and exit if multiple backend binaries exist due to a failed update.
  • Kraken's KFEE will use the price of 0.01 USD when it is needed.
  • If a PnL report is ran for a specific period and there is more events after the period a warning for missing events and prompt to upgrade to premium won't show mistakenly anymore.
  • Query for AVAX balances will be more reliable now.

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