github rotki/rotki v1.20.1
Rotki v1.20.1 - Chin

latest releases: v1.33.1, v1.33.0, v1.32.2...
2 years ago


Rotki v1.20.1 is a patch release with bugfixes to the bugs you guys reported in the last 2 weeks and also some improvements we wanted to roll out before v1.21.0. Also a ton of new assets support is added.

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

New Features

  • #3349 AMM Swaps now have a clickable transaction hash link in the trades history section

Bug Fixes

  • #3329 Users will now properly see their sushiswap trades in the history page if they have the sushiswap module activated.
  • #3310 For the edge case of a MakerDAO vault event containing a zero amount the MakerDAO DeFi section and PnL report should no longer get an error.
  • #3311 The PnL CSV export in Windows should now now longer contain the double number of lines and as such the formulas at the summary should be correct.
  • #3313 Discrepancies on the sign of net_profit_loss in PnL CSV export between exports with and without formulas should now be fixed.
  • #3355 Yearn V2 vaults should now display a correct price.
  • #3373 The form to add a FTX account will now work correctly when the subaccount field is modified and then cleared.

Newly supported assets

Added support for the following assets:

Updated the information of the following assets:

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