github rotki/rotki v1.0.4
Rotki v1.0.4 - Alternate Plumage

latest releases: v1.33.1, v1.33.0, v1.32.2...
4 years ago


This release contains a some new features and bug fixes completed within the last month.

Most notably Rotki now keeps all actions in the local encrypted database, as opposed to caching files and frequently re-requesting trades from the exchanges. Once the data is in Rotki, it's with your forever now!

Moreover all users of can now export their trades from that website and import it into Rotki thanks to the new import data feature.

For a full list of features check below:

Upgrade is highly recommended. Binaries available for:

New Features

  • #498 Users can now import data from Cointracking into Rotki. Create a CSV export from Cointracking and import it from the Import Data menu.
  • #499 All actions (trades, deposits, withdrawals, ethereum transactions, margin positions) are now saved in the locally encrypted database.
  • #505 Support the new cryptocompare v2 historical price API. Thank you @AndrewBezold !
  • Support WorldWideAssetExchange token for Bittrex after it got renamed to WAXP in that exchange.

Bug Fixes

  • #500 Fix cryptocompare price queries for LBRY credits.

Newly supported tokens

Added support for the following tokens

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