github rotki/rotki v0.5.0
Rotkehlchen v0.5.0 - Monte dei paschi

latest releases: v1.33.1, v1.33.0, v1.32.2...
5 years ago


This version contains some new features, highlight of which is the option to anonymize sensitive logs. It also contains a lot of bug fixes, a full list of which can be found below.

This release, like the previous one, also contains a considerable amount of external contributors!

Listed are the authors of all commits since v0.4.0:

Special thanks goes to @kelsos for turning the Javascript code into Typescript.

New Features

  • #186 Pressing Enter at signin/create new account and other popups will submit them just like clicking the form button.
  • #178 New logout api call. Users can now logout of a rotkehlchen session.
  • #138 Add an option to allow for anonymizing of all sensitive rotkehlchen logs.
  • #132 Added a UI widget showing if rotkehlchen is connected to an ethereum node.

Bug Fixes

  • #201 Having ICN in Kraken from 31/10 to 31/11 2018 will not lead rotkehlchen to crash.
  • #197 Rotkehlchen no longer crashes at restart if a "No" tax_free_period is given.
  • #185 Ethereum node connection indicator should always properly indicate the connection status to the underlying ethereum node.
  • #184 If Rotkehlchen brand name in top left is clicked, open browser to instead of showing the sign-in popup
  • #187 Exchange balance tables no longer become unresponsive if visited multiple times.
  • #181 Take 0 net balance into account when doing balance queries and not crash.
  • #156 Overflow should now scroll completely and properly on mac.
  • #173 Price querying for IOTA should now work properly with cryptocompare

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