github rootless-containers/usernetes gen2-v20230906.0

latest releases: gen2-v20240527.0, gen2-v20240410.0, gen2-v20240404.1...
10 months ago

This is the first release of "Usernetes Generation 2" (#287)

Usernetes: Kubernetes without the root privileges (Generation 2)

Usernetes (Gen2) deploys a Kubernetes cluster inside Rootless Docker,
so as to mitigate potential container-breakout vulnerabilities.


Usernetes (Gen2) has significantly diverged from the original Usernetes (Gen1),
which did not require Rootless Docker to be installed on hosts.

See the gen1 branch for
the original Usernetes (Gen1).

Usernetes (Gen2) is similar to Rootless kind and Rootless minikube,
but Usernetes (Gen 2) supports creating a cluster with multiple hosts.


  • Cluster configuration: kubeadm
  • CRI: containerd
  • OCI: runc
  • CNI: Flannel



Using Ubuntu 22.04 hosts is recommended.

curl -o -fsSL
sudo sh install
  • systemd lingering:
sudo loginctl enable-linger $(whoami)
  • cgroup v2 delegation:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/user@.service.d

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/user@.service.d/delegate.conf
Delegate=cpu cpuset io memory pids

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • Kernel modules:
sudo modprobe vxlan


See make help.

# Bootstrap a cluster
make up
make kubeadm-init
make install-flannel

# Enable kubectl
make kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig
kubectl get pods -A

# Multi-host
make join-command
scp join-command another-host:~/usernetes
ssh another-host make -C ~/usernetes up kubeadm-join

# Debug
make logs
make shell
make down-v
kubectl taint nodes --all


  • Node ports cannot be exposed automatically. Edit docker-compose.yaml for exposing additional node ports.
  • Most of host files are not visible with hostPath mounts. Edit docker-compose.yaml for mounting additional files.
  • Some volume drivers such as nfs do not work.

Advanced topics

  • Although Usernetes (Gen2) is designed to be used with Rootless Docker, it should work with the regular "rootful" Docker too.
    This might be useful for some people who are looking for "multi-host" version of kind and minikube.
    (Support for "rootful" is currently broken: #297)

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