github rogerbinns/apsw 3.38.1-r1

latest releases:,,
2 years ago


ll items now have full docstrings including type information. (Previously just one line summaries). Note the C implemented functions and data (ie almost all of APSW) can't provide the same level of type information as regular Python code.

apsw.pyi file is included which does provide all the typing information in type stub format, and shown by most IDEs.

Removal of code, tests, and documentation only relevant to CPython before 3.7. (Python 3.6 does still work, but is end of life.)

Keyword arguments can be used everywhere.

The statement cache implementation changed from a dictionary to a list. This allows the cache to be used for the same query text multiple times. (The code is also a quarter of the size and simpler).

The default for's fetch command is to get the SQLite version corresponding to APSW's release. (Previously it got the latest release.)

Added constants:


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