github rocket-pool/smartnode-install v1.4.1

latest releases: v1.13.6, v1.13.6-dev, v1.13.5...
2 years ago

This is a high priority update for all users due to some client fixes that mitigate the issue underlying the recent block reorg on the Beacon Chain.
Users are encouraged to update as soon as possible.

This also adds lots of quality of life improvements that were highly-requested by users who recently switched from Geth to Nethermind or Besu.
Check below for the full list of changes!

⚠️ NOTE: Light clients (Infura and Pocket) are now DEPRECATED because the upcoming Ethereum Merge is NOT COMPATIBLE with them. You will be required to run a full Execution client after the merge, and the light clients will be removed in a future version of the Smartnode accordingly.

To upgrade and keep the same network that you have now (either Prater or Mainnet), follow the Smartnode upgrade instructions.

Client Updates

  • Updated Besu to v22.4.2

  • Updated Geth to v1.10.18

  • Updated Nethermind to v1.13.1

  • Updated Lighthouse to v2.3.0

  • Updated Nimbus to v22.5.2

  • Updated Teku to v22.5.2

    • 💡 Note: Teku has updated its max peer count from 74 to 100 with this release.

New Features

  • The EC sync percentage returned by rocketpool node sync now provides the chain's absolute sync progress, instead of the relative progress since the start of the client. This should make it much more intuitive.
  • Execution client metrics are now available in Grafana.
    • The Rocket Pool dashboard has not been updated to include them, but you can use each Execution client's public dashboard or add their metrics to the Rocket Pool dashboard manually if you like.
  • Added a JVM Heap Size option to Besu and Teku, which lets you adjust the amount of RAM used by their Java portions.
    • Note: this will not affect their unmanaged portions, so their total RAM usage will be higher than this setting.
  • Your fallback EC will no longer be queried for its sync status if your primary EC is synced and online.
  • The EC graffiti prefix letter for hybrid users with external ECs will now be X, indicating eXternal clients.
    • This may be a temporary change; the Smartnode currently doesn't ask which client you are using externally. It may do this in the future to ensure a correct graffiti string.

Bug Fixes

  • Nethermind doesn't seem to handle Docker's standard shutdown signal (SIGTERM) properly, so we now use SIGINT for it.
  • Exposing the RPC port will now work correctly on Pocket if you use a nonstandard port.
  • The node sync function of the daemon now outputs "syncProgress": 1 for a fully-synced EC.

Misc Changes

  • The GPG key used to sign the releases has changed. It is now Smartnode Installation Signing Key v2; its public key is provided in the artifacts below.

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