github roboll/helmfile v0.139.1

latest releases: v0.144.0, v0.143.5, v0.143.4...
2 years ago

This release include the fix for a regression introduced in v0.139.0, and additional fix for kubecontext usage in templates and --output-dir, and also the newer aws-sdk-go for AWS SSO support. You should always use v0.139.1 rather than v0.139.0.

794ab9f (HEAD, tag: v0.139.1, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) Fix lint and status not to fail with selector and needs (#1834)
48bd5c0 Update go.sum for successful build
e39a0b3 bump Go to 1.16.3 and cover helm 3.5.4 (#1825)
5895410 fix kubeContext does not globally defaulting its value (#1829)
cb7fa6b Bump vals to 0.14.0 (#1832)
44fb68b Use the incubator chart repo instead of chartcenter (#1833)

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