What's Changed
- Rebranding left overs by @robiningelbrecht in #349
- Fix badge cache control by @robiningelbrecht in #350
- ISSUE-353: Attempt at BuildGpxFilesCommandHandler using less resources by @robiningelbrecht in #354
- ISSUE-352: Activity visibilities to import by @robiningelbrecht in #355
- ISSUE-356: Fix badge color on challenges page by @robiningelbrecht in #357
- ISSUE-351: More translatables by @robiningelbrecht in #361
- ISSUE 351: More translation fixes by @robiningelbrecht in #362
- ISSUE-364: Escape special chars when buildoing GPX files by @robiningelbrecht in #365
- ISSUE-351: Fix typos and missing French translations by @Ahmosys in #359
- Bump app versionb to v0.4.24 by @robiningelbrecht in #367
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.4.23...v0.4.24