This release updates core and dev dependencies, as well as minor docs changes.
What's Changed
📚 Documentation
- Add jupyter notebook instructions to Examples page (#386) @robbievanleeuwen
- Add JOSS badge to README (#384) @robbievanleeuwen
📦 Dependencies
- Update dependencies (#403) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump poetry from 1.7.1 to 1.8.2 in /.github/workflows (#402) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (#391) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.25.0 to 6.0.0 (#395) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.25.0 to 20.25.1 in /.github/workflows (#397) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 23.3.2 to 24.0 in /.github/workflows (#398) @dependabot
- Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.11 to 1.8.12 (#400) @dependabot
- Bump jupyter-lsp from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 (#388) @dependabot
- Bump notebook from 7.0.6 to 7.0.7 (#389) @dependabot
- Bump jupyterlab from 4.0.9 to 4.0.11 (#390) @dependabot
- Bump pillow from 10.1.0 to 10.2.0 (#392) @dependabot
- Bump jinja2 from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 (#387) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 23.3.1 to 23.3.2 in /.github/workflows (#385) @dependabot
- Bump mypy from 1.6.1 to 1.7.1 (#377) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump ipython from 8.17.2 to 8.18.1 (#374) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump sphinx-click from 5.0.1 to 5.1.0 (#383) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump pre-commit from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0 (#379) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump rich from 13.5.0 to 13.7.0 (#382) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump pypardiso from 0.4.2 to 0.4.4 (#381) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump pygments from 2.16.1 to 2.17.2 (#380) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump nbconvert from 7.10.0 to 7.13.0 (#378) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump matplotlib from 3.8.0 to 3.8.2 (#376) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump isort from 5.12.0 to 5.13.2 (#375) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump ipykernel from 6.26.0 to 6.27.1 (#373) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump coverage from 7.3.2 to 7.3.3 (#371) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 23.9.16 to 23.12.2 (#372) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump black from 23.10.1 to 23.12.0 (#370) @robbievanleeuwen
- Bump poetry from 1.6.1 to 1.7.1 in /.github/workflows (#362) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#367) @dependabot
- Bump jupyter-server from 2.9.1 to 2.11.2 (#365) @dependabot
- Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.10 to 1.8.11 (#364) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.24.6 to 20.25.0 in /.github/workflows (#363) @dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#359) @dependabot
Full changelog: v3.1.2...v3.1.3