github rjsf-team/react-jsonschema-form v5.3.1

latest releases: v5.18.5, 5.18.4, v5.18.4...
15 months ago


  • Updated AltDateWidget to remove an infinite loop caused by two conflicting effects by merging them with additional checking of original value against the current value, fixing #3516


  • Updated the documentation of getTestValidator() and the schema.test.ts file to help developers


  • Updated the documentation of getTestValidator() and the schema.test.ts file to help developers


  • Updated the documentation of getTestValidator() and the schema.test.ts file to help developers

Dev / docs / playground

  • Updated the internals documentation to use a React ref in the example, fixing #3520
  • Updated the contributing documentation to describe the new development process needed for a Vite playground, fixing #3478
    • Also fixed the package.json files to remove npm start in the subdirectories and change the root one to describe the new process
  • Updated the semantic-ui/uiSchema documentation to switch the default for horizontalButtons to be true per changes made in 5.3.0

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