github rjsf-team/react-jsonschema-form v5.17.1

latest releases: 5.18.4, v5.18.4, 5.18.3...
3 months ago


  • Added support for UiSchema "ui:rows" option for textarea elements, fixing #4070.


  • #4091 Added errorSchema to ArrayFieldTemplate props.


  • #4080 - BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the base64 object from the @rjsf/utils package. Note that this is a breaking change if you relied on the base64 object exported by @rjsf/utils. Since this change caused #4080, and was only internally used by playground code, we are shipping this change in a patch release.
  • #4091 Added errorSchema to the ArrayFieldTemplateProps type.

Dev / docs / playground

  • #4080 - Moved the base64 encoder/decoder object to the Playground package.
  • Added test configuration and script to the Playground.

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