github riverqueue/river v0.15.0

12 days ago


  • The River CLI will now respect the standard set of PG* environment variables like PGHOST, PGPORT, PGDATABASE, PGUSER, PGPASSWORD, and PGSSLMODE to configure a target database when the --database-url parameter is omitted. PR #702.
  • Add missing doc for JobRow.UniqueStates + reveal rivertype.UniqueOptsByStateDefault() to provide access to the default set of unique job states. PR #707.


  • Sleep durations are now logged as Go-like duration strings (e.g. "10s") in either text or JSON instead of duration strings in text and nanoseconds in JSON. PR #699.
  • Altered the migration comments from river migrate-get to include the "line" of the migration being run (main, or for River Pro workflow and sequence) to make them more distinguishable. PR #703.
  • Fewer slice allocations during unique insertions. PR #705.


  • Exponential backoffs at degenerately high job attempts (>= 310) no longer risk overflowing time.Duration. PR #698.

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