github risingwavelabs/risingwave v2.1.0

latest releases: v2.2.2, v2.1.4, v2.2.1...
3 months ago

For installation and running instructions, see Get started.

Main changes

SQL features

  • Query syntax:
    • Technical preview: Supports ASOF JOIN to join and find the closest matching record by the event time or another ordered property. #18683
    • Supports AGGREGATE: prefixed scalar function in streaming aggregation. #18205
    • Supports using user-defined aggregate functions as window function. #18181
    • Supports blocking subscription cursors and configuring cursor timeouts. #18675
  • SQL commands:
    • Enhances observability of cursors and subscription cursors by improving output results of SHOW SUBSCRIPTION CURSORS and SHOW CURSORS commands. #18896
  • SQL functions & operators:
    • Technical Preview: Supports the TVF postgres_query . #18811
  • System catalog:
    • Supports pg_catalog.pg_sequence. #18714
    • Supports information_schema.table_constraints. #18716
    • Supports information_schema.schemata. #18709


  • Breaking change: Changes scan.startup.mode=latest for NATS source connector to start consuming from next available message instead of last one. #18733
  • Public preview: Supports shared Kafka sources, which can be disabled by session variable streaming_use_shared_source. #18749
  • Supports recursively scanning file sources. #18324
  • Supports schemaless ingestion for data in JSON format from Kafka sources by using INCLUDE payload clause. #18437
  • Adds a set of options for NATS source connector based on the async_nats crate. #17615
  • Adds a required option, consumer.durable_name, for NATS source connector. #18873
  • Supports option max_packet_size for MQTT sources. #18520
  • Supports option database.encrypt for SQL Server CDC sources. #18912
  • Supports ingesting data from a partitioned table for PostgreSQL CDC sources. #18456
  • Supports option auto.schema.change for PostgreSQL CDC sources to enable replicating Postgres table schema change. #18760
  • Requires upstream table name to also be prefixed with database name when creating a SQL Server CDC table. #18868
  • Adds JSON encode for file sinks, allowing users to sink JSON files into object storage. #18744
  • Supports create_table_if_not_exists option for Iceberg sink connector. #18362
  • Supports WebHDFS sinks. #18293
  • Removes option bulk_write_max_entries for MongoDB sink and option default_max_batch_rows for DynamoDB sink. Adds options max_batch_item_nums and max_future_send_nums for DynamoDB sink. #17645
  • Sets sink decoupling as the default policy for MongoDB, DynamoDB, and Redis sink connectors. #17645
  • Supports option routing_column for ElasticSearch sinks, allowing a column to be set as a routing key. #18698
  • Supports specifying batching strategy when sinking data in Parquet format. #18472

Installation and deployment

  • Adds a CLI argument of --license-key-path for the meta node, enabling a background task to watch and reload license key from the specified file. #18768

Cluster configuration changes

  • When visibility_mode is set to all, the latest uncommitted data will be queried, but consistency is no longer guaranteed between the tables. #18230
  • Supports SET TIME ZONE INTERVAL '+00:00' HOUR TO MINUTE as equivalent to SET TIME ZONE UTC. #18705
  • The etcd metastore is fully deprecated and unsupported. Users previously utilizing etcd metastore must manually migrate to a SQL backend (PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQLite) to upgrade to v2.1.0

Full Changelog: v2.0.4...v2.1.0

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