github rigaya/NVEnc 5.10

latest releases: 7.56, 7.55, 7.54...
3 years ago
  • Add support for NVENC SDK API ver 10.0. This requires NVIDIA driver 445.87 or later.

  • Add new option for multipass mode. (--multipass, #248 )

  • Support multi NVENC SDK SPI versions.
    When the driver does not support the latest API ver, NVEncC will fallback to older API versions. The fallback version supported is API ver 9.0 and 9.1. In this case, features which are not supported on the fallback version will be not available.
    The API version used will be shown on the log.

  • Options below will be mapped to each other depending on the NVENC API version used.

    SDK API 9.0, 9.1 SDK API 10.0
    --vbrhq --vbr --multipass 2pass-full
    --cbrhq --cbr --multipass 2pass-full

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