github rianadon/timer-bar-card v1.31.0

2 days ago

I've finally updated the card to keep up to date with the new developments in Home Assistant.

First of all, Mushroom cards now match other Mushroom cards. I've fixed the issue with large padding around the card.

Two mushroom cards in section layout

Second, you can now use Home Assistant's Visibility and Layout tabs to configure the card. Visibility allows you to hide the card from the dashboard under certain conditions, and Layout allows you to configure the card's size in the Sections dashboard.

Editor for a timer bar card

This release also introduces a small breaking change: To be consistent with the mushroom cards, the timer bar card will now render 6 units wide (half of the width of the section) when added in a Sections dashboard. To set the card back to full width, turn on Layout -> Full width card.

Other fixes:

  • Rounding with format set to hm or resolution set to minutes now correctly handles rounding

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