## How to update
- If you haven't set up a remote, run the command `git remote add RHH https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion`.
- Once you have your remote set up, run the command `git pull RHH 1.11.0`.
📜 = Uses a migration script.
- Pursuit refactor by @PhallenTree in #5707
- Atk Canceller refactor / reorder / clean up by @AlexOn1ine in #5885
- Battle Weather Refactor by @AlexOn1ine in #5833
- Replace WEATHER_HAS_EFFECT with HasWeatherEffect by @AlexOn1ine in #6069
- Cleaned up Trainer Slides, added automated Trainer Slide tests, add new Enemy Critical Hit Slide by @pkmnsnfrn and @AlexOn1ine, @hedara90, @AsparagusEduardo, @mrgriffin in #6018
- If users created new entries in sTrainerSlides, they will need to be ported to the new system.
- Introduces BattleTurnCounter to simplify timer checks by @AlexOn1ine in #6080
- Convert max effects to normal move effects by @AlexOn1ine in #6143
- Redefine IsBattlerAlive in battle.h as a static inline by @AlexOn1ine in #6211
- Consolidated Frontier teams into battle_frontier_trainers.h by @fdeblasio in #5892
🧬 General 🧬
- Add Script Cmd for Forcing Save Game by @ghoulslash in #6090
- Trainer Party Pools by @hedara90 in #5731
- Documentation on how to use this can be found under
- Documentation on how to use this can be found under
- Add Code Entry functionality by @Pawkkie and @PCG06 for the Mystery Gift iteration in #5951
- Added "Game Clear" flag toggle to debug menu by @AsparagusEduardo in #5929
- Initialize m4a and IRQ handler in a loaded section by @SBird1337 in #5912
- Debug menu and
additions/cleanup by @AsparagusEduardo in #5994- Added Tera Type, Dynamax Level, and Gigantamax Factor to the "Give Pokémon (complex)" debug menu option.
- Added
option togivemon
. - Added
. - Cleaned up repeated code instances in debug menu.
- Fixed mislabel of
. Now it'sgmaxFactor
- Introduces BattlerState struct for the Battle Engine by @AlexOn1ine and @mrgriffin provided the framework for this change in #5954
- Reorder Makefile rules so that pokeemerald-test.elf builds in build/test by @mrgriffin in #6004
- Use SET8 and SET32 consistently by @AZero13 in #5544
- Ewram and unused function cleanup sweep by @hedara90 in #6019
- Re-removed trainers.h trailing whitespace by @fdeblasio in #6048
- Add Steven Multi to debug menu by @Pawkkie in #6064
- Remove gDecompressionBuffer by @DizzyEggg in #6029
- Trainer Battle Parameter Consolidation by @u8-Salem in #5982
Breaking: raw uses oftrainerbattle
need to be adjusted to provide all possible parameter. Unused parameter musst be 0 or an alias. already parameterized macros liketrainerbattle_single
work out of the box. - Consolidated contest opponent filters into gContestOpponents by @fdeblasio in #6119
- Don't use SeedRng some places where it isn't necessary by @tertu-m in #6156
- Removed Trainer Slides footgun by @AsparagusEduardo in #6205
- Consolidate duplicate dialogue of nature girl in Battle Frontier by @fdeblasio in #6195
- Prevented fanfares from playing in headless mode by @pkmnsnfrn and @hedara90, @AsparagusEduardo in #6219
- Don't write to NULL in TryFindHiddenPokemon by @DizzyEggg in #5983
- Allow Party Menu with 0 Pokemon by @DizzyEggg in #5997
- Revert map related enum conversion by @hedara90 in #6078
- Revert "Revert map related enum conversion" by @hedara90 in #6079
- Revert "Converts a bunch of defines to enums" by @Bassoonian in #6082
- Fix upcoming not working on no cash by @DizzyEggg in #6121
- Add the header required for TPP tags to work by @hedara90 in #6162
- Fixed regression from master/upcoming merge by @AsparagusEduardo and @hedara90 , for doing the original merge when I couldn't in #6199
- Fix Using a Safari Ball crashes the game #6206 by @ExMingYan in #6220
- Fixed typo in requests_effects by @hedara90 and @purrfectdoodle in #6215
- Try a new solution to Fix Safari #6206 by @ExMingYan in #6228
- Remove obsolete check for steven when retrieving partner name by @u8-Salem and @hedara90 in #6283
- Fix spit up getting skipped by @cawtds in #6295
🗺️ Overworld 🗺️
- Adds Dexnav by @ghoulslash in #4818
- Fly from Pokenav by @khbsd in #5679
- Expanded Pokémon Follower transformation functionality by @AsparagusEduardo in #5048
- Arbitrary trainer scripts + on frame/trigger softlock prevention by @mrgriffin in #5033
- Removed OW_AUTO_SIGNPOST by @pkmnsnfrn in #5974
- Fix leftover test change from #5033 by @mrgriffin in #5987
- Match current gen behavior for battle environment after fishing by @kittenchilly in #6099
- Add Mega Evolution, Primal Reversion, and Ultra Necrozma overworld sprites by @khbsd in #5874
- Replaced hardcoded numbers in DexNav with variables by @fdeblasio in #6241
- Merrp merge (12th of February) by @hedara90 in #6244
- Adds a follower flag define to disable followers on the fly by @AlexOn1ine in #6174
- Fix Trainer Hill OOB array access by @SBird1337 in #5930
- Revert #5033 change to MapHeaderRunScriptType by @mrgriffin in #5975
- Restore lock/lockall/locktrainer/release/releaseall in triggers by @mrgriffin in #5976
- Follower Object Event refactor by @hedara90 and @AsparagusEduardo in #6129
- Fixes
- Adds
- Fixes
- Fixes Static Assert from pr #6174 by @AlexOn1ine in #6258
- Fixed Kecleon Shiny palette by @hedara90 in #6298
🐉 Pokémon 🐉
- IV/EV Info on Summary Screen by @khbsd in #6027
- Add caught mon to full party by sending a different mon to the Box by @fakuzatsu in #6058
- Remove form change function footguns by @AsparagusEduardo and @AlexOn1ine for letting me know of this potential issue. in #5995
now return the current species of the Pokémon instead ofSPECIES_NONE
as a precaution to avoid accidental deletions of Pokémon when using these functions.
- Remove redundant calls to GetMonData in pokemon.c by @AZero13 in #5545
- Rename Furfrou Species tags to match Pokemon Showdown exports by @moostoet in #6041
- Add Mega Evolution, Primal Reversion, and Ultra Necrozma overworld sprites by @khbsd in #5874
- Add Poltchageist family form data by @Bassoonian and @wiz1989 in #6163
- Evolution level 1 learn by @hedara90 in #5791
- Fixed non-regional forms breeding incorrectly by @AsparagusEduardo and @cawtds in #4985
- Fixed compilation error when turning P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES off by @AsparagusEduardo in #6223
- Reverted compound literal OW mon pic tables by @AsparagusEduardo in #6216
⚔️ Battle General ⚔️
- Add B_FLAG_SLEEP_CLAUSE by @Pawkkie, @Pawkkie and @iriv24 in #5566
- Based on Smogon's sleep clause philosophy
- Toggleable per-battle by setting / unsetting the flag assigned to B_FLAG_SLEEP_CLAUSE
- Variadic IS_BATTLER_OF_TYPE and GetBattlerTypes by @mrgriffin in #5708
- Simultaneous HP Reduction (CFRU Port) by @AsparagusEduardo and @AlexOn1ine for the port to expansion. @Skeli789 for the CFRU implementation. in #5770
- Destiny Bond fails on repeated use in Gen 7+ by @Pawkkie in #5652
- Adds Pledge Side Statuses as Starting Statuses by @AlexOn1ine in #5899
- Adds B_VAR_DIFFICULTY and related functions READ DESC by @pkmnsnfrn in #5337
- Config for move slot rearrangement in battle by @hedara90 and @ghoulslash for pointing out the exact point in the code where move slot rearrangement is handled. in #6017
- Move slot rearrangement is disabled by default in battle, set
to enable rearrangement again.
- Move slot rearrangement is disabled by default in battle, set
- Sleep Clause global config by @Pawkkie in #5762
- Pursuit refactor by @PhallenTree in #5707
- Changes Various defines to an Enum by @AlexOn1ine in #5839
- move overwrittenAbilities field to DisableStruct by @ghoulslash in #5946
- Battle Weather Refactor by @AlexOn1ine in #5833
- Easy customizable Hidden Move types by @AsparagusEduardo in #5872
now has aisHiddenPowerType
field that inserts them into the Hidden Power type calculation.- Warning: Changing this from the vanilla settings will change any existing Hidden Power's type, and external calculators will not work either.
- Introduces BattlerState struct for the Battle Engine by @AlexOn1ine and @mrgriffin provided the framework for this change in #5954
- Cleaned up Trainer Slides, added automated Trainer Slide tests, add new Enemy Critical Hit Slide by @pkmnsnfrn and @AlexOn1ine, @hedara90, @AsparagusEduardo, @mrgriffin in #6018
- If users created new entries in sTrainerSlides, they will need to be ported to the new system.
- Introduces BattleTurnCounter to simplfy timer checks by @AlexOn1ine in #6080
- Replace BattleStruct members quickClawRandom/quickDrawRandom with locals by @AlexOn1ine in #6136
- Added Difficulty Fallback for Trainer Slides by @pkmnsnfrn in #6088
- CanAbilityX Function Cleanup by @ghoulslash in #6183
- Unify setreflect/setlightscreen and MOVE_EFFECT_REFLECT/LIGHT_SCREEN by @ghoulslash in #6196
- Fix Sleep Clause AI handling of partner sleeping moves by @Pawkkie in #5761
- Fix fixed point damage calculation off-by-1s by @SBird1337 in #5775
Fixes a bunch of rounding errors that cause wrong outputs in the damage calculation. - Fixes simu hp reduction when no partner was on field by @AlexOn1ine in #5799
- Fixes Regenerator healing past maxHP by @PhallenTree in #5861
- Fixes Pursuit + Emergency Exit causing double switches and Pursuit user fainting causing target to not finish switch by @PhallenTree in #5849
- Fixes regression caused by argument refactor by @AlexOn1ine in #5870
- Fixes Sparkling Aria Shield Dust / Covert Cloak interaction by @AlexOn1ine in #5911
- Battle Weather Refactor oversight by @AlexOn1ine in #5960
- Shell Bell Clean up / Simplification and Tests by @AlexOn1ine in #5924
- Dynamic move type was ignored in doubles for spread moves by @AlexOn1ine in #5984
- Fixes self effect moves not procing for spread moves when battler 3 w… by @AlexOn1ine in #6020
- Fix UB when accessing move result flags by @cawtds in #6030
- Fix Powder (status) config and some terrain timers not using gBattleTurnCounter by @PhallenTree in #6109
- Fix Powder config not checking for Powder status by @PhallenTree in #6113
- Fixes battler mutation during the intim script by @AlexOn1ine in #6151
- Fixes Dynamic Moves types in SumScreen while in Battle by @AlexOn1ine in #6145
- Fixes Dragon Tail missing timing against Rocky Helmet / Iron Barbs by @AlexOn1ine in #6154
- Prevent sameMoveTurns from incrementing when unable to use move by @moostoet in #6167
- Fixes Suction Cups ability popup and Red Card + Guard Dog interaction by @PhallenTree in #6171
- Fixed Unnerve message and wrote tests by @hedara90 in #6192
- Fixes Spectral Thief stealing boost at the wrong time by @AlexOn1ine in #6197
- Fixes BATTLER_TURN_DAMAGED battler id by @AlexOn1ine in #6236
- Fixed multi battle forced switches by @hedara90 in #6243
- Fixes ability Embody Aspect triggering multiple times by @AlexOn1ine in #6259
- Fixes Called moves ignoring redirection by @PhallenTree in #6267
- Fixes Protean not restoring types after ai damage calcs by @AlexOn1ine in #6280
- Restoretarget in Rototiller script + Tests by @AlexOn1ine in #6296
- Fixes inconsistency for Kings rock. by @AlexOn1ine in #6302
- Fixes Shell Bell for Spread Moves by @AlexOn1ine in #6303
- Fixes Brick Break/Psychic Fangs/Raging Bull breaking screens if target is immune by @PhallenTree in #6308
- Fixes doesnt effect message for Thunder Wave by @AlexOn1ine in #6304
- Fixes Tera Shell activating on moves that have no effect on target by @AlexOn1ine in #6271
- Fixes fainted battler being able to select an action by @PhallenTree in #6339
🤹 Moves 🤹
- Added missing in-battle "Move Info" button prompt by @AsparagusEduardo and @TeamAquasHideout from who I got the source from and @BelialClover from who Archie got the source from. in #6155
- New Volt Switch Animation by @AlexOn1ine in #5729
- Refactors argument into a union by @AlexOn1ine in #5853
- Encapsulate move data by @AsparagusEduardo in #5852
- Removes Resource Flags and moves fields to DisableStruct by @AlexOn1ine in #5945
- Tera starstorm by @hedara90 in #6073
- Tachyon Cutter and Salt Cure animations by @hedara90 in #6182
- Heal Bell/Aromatherapy/Sparkly Swirl improvements and fixes by @AsparagusEduardo in #6210
- Removed
- Removed
- Moved sValidApprenticeMove into gMovesInfo by @fdeblasio in #6254
- Fixes non-Ghost type Curse animation by @PhallenTree in #6299
- Remove pursuitSwitchByMove and additional if statement by @PhallenTree in #6326
- Fixes moves based on Dragon Darts with strikeCount > 2 always hitting the same battler from the second hit onwards by @PhallenTree in #5830
- Last fix for Sparkling Aria / Covert Cloak / Shield Dust interaction by @AlexOn1ine in #5956
- Added WEATHER_DOWNPOUR to Weather Ball's dynamic type by @fdeblasio in #6100
- Fixed Future Sight not being affected by Electrify by @AsparagusEduardo in #6213
- Fixes Expanding Force and Spectral Thief move animations by @PhallenTree in #6185
- Made some move animations fit in VRAM by @hedara90 in #6289
🧶 Items 🧶
- Adds missing Friend Ball friendship bonus upon catching by @PhallenTree in #5795
🤖 Battle AI 🤖
- Smart Switching handles Soundproof by @Pawkkie and @Robdeezy for the idea! in #5703
- Add Revival Blessing AI by @Pawkkie in #5704
- Add AI_FLAG_WEIGH_ABILITY_PREDICTION by @Pawkkie and @khbsd and @ghoulslash for the idea, @AlexOn1ine and @mrgriffin for getting it working :) in #5636
- Add AI_FLAG_PREDICT_SWITCH by @Pawkkie and @kithr1 in #6028
- Add AI_FLAG_PREDICT_INCOMING_MON: AI will score against predicted switchin if predicting switch by @Pawkkie in #6037
- Switch trapping AI will consider Trace by @Pawkkie in #6059
- AI adds score to Pursuit if it OHKOs by @Pawkkie in #6166
- Switch chance config support by @Pawkkie in #6187
- Config can be changed in config/ai.h
- Add function to adjust AI scoring for generalized item effects by @moostoet and @AlexOn1ine and @Pawkkie for the input on slight changes to make to the logic (config, no magic numbers...) in #6247
- Fixed AI not handling type effectiveness beyond x8 by @AsparagusEduardo and @/sshadowzkmao in #6127
- Removed the use of
in favor of storing the actual type effectiveness. - Renamed
, removing the original one.
- Removed the use of
- Remove global sBattler_AI by @AlexOn1ine in #6128
- SwitchType enum to clean up GetMostSuitableMonToSwitchInto by @Pawkkie in #6184
- Eject item ace flag switch AI fixes by @Pawkkie and @wiz1989 for reporting the bug in #6098
- Fix Choice'd mons referring to incorrect move when switching by @Pawkkie and @/capncrunch in #6204
- Fix AI switching in absorbing mon incorrectly by @Pawkkie in #6227
- Improve Yawn and Status Switching by @Pawkkie and @/Chape for finding this behaviour in #6202
- Fix AI wrongly thinking it strikes first with priority even if player is using priority themselves by @moostoet in #6274
- Fix AI hazard move handling, minor AI tweaks by @Pawkkie and @ShadowzLmao2 in #6311
- Fix Overzealous Absorber Switching by @Pawkkie and @iriv24 and @ravepossum for squinting at a conditional for nearly 30mins with me to find a semicolon in #6318
- Fix Substitute / Shed Tail Switch AI by @Pawkkie in #6334
🧹 Other Cleanup 🧹
- Split "Do nothing" move effects by @AsparagusEduardo in #5613
- Sleep Clause global config by @Pawkkie in #5762
- Converts multi-choice options to COMPOUND_STRINGs by @fdeblasio in #5686
- Converted item-related variables to COMPOUND_STRINGs by @fdeblasio in #5714
- Adds SleepClauseBlock enum to CanBeSlept by @Pawkkie and @AlexOn1ine in #5773
- Swapped DESELECT and CHECK_TAG to be in right places by @fdeblasio in #5794
- Changes target TURN_DAMAGED and MAX_HP to inlines by @AlexOn1ine in #5822
- Changes Various defines to an Enum by @AlexOn1ine in #5839
- Remove fno-toplevel-reorder by @DizzyEggg in #5809
- Refactors argument into a union by @AlexOn1ine in #5853
- Clean up redundancy for mugshots by @AlexOn1ine in #5906
- Encapsulate move data by @AsparagusEduardo in #5852
- Initialize m4a and IRQ handler in a loaded section by @SBird1337 in #5912
- Remove EWRAM gHpDealt (not needed anymore) by @AlexOn1ine in #5925
- Fix DexNav static asserts by @Bassoonian in #5944
- Move overwrittenAbilities field to DisableStruct by @ghoulslash in #5946
- Converted 2 various to callnative by @AsparagusEduardo in #5950
- Removed
- Removed
- Shell Bell Clean up / Simplification and Tests by @AlexOn1ine in #5924
- Removed OW_AUTO_SIGNPOST by @pkmnsnfrn, @doejohn126 discovered the issue in #5974
- Fix leftover test change from #5033 by @mrgriffin in #5987
- Multiple removals of hardcoded move IDs by @AsparagusEduardo in #5964
- Missed two uses of new hazard type enum by @Pawkkie in #5996
- Debug menu and
additions/cleanup by @AsparagusEduardo in #5994- Added Tera Type, Dynamax Level, and Gigantamax Factor to the "Give Pokémon (complex)" debug menu option.
- Added
option togivemon
. - Added
. - Cleaned up repeated code instances in debug menu.
- Fixed mislabel of
. Now it'sgmaxFactor
- Free some IWRAM by @DizzyEggg in #6000
- Removes Resource Flags and moves fields to DisableStruct by @AlexOn1ine in #5945
- Future Sight Innards Out follow up for upcoming by @AlexOn1ine in #5998
- Remove redundant calls to GetMonData in pokemon.c by @AZero13 in #5545
- Use SET8 and SET32 consistently by @AZero13 in #5544
- Rename Furfrou Species tags to match Pokemon Showdown exports by @moostoet in #6041
- Rename DexNav flags and vars by @Bassoonian in #6044
- Re-removed trainers.h trailing whitespace by @fdeblasio in #6048
- Moved front animations frames to gSpeciesInfo by @AsparagusEduardo in #5605
- Clean up array access by using index instead of dereferencing the value by @AlexOn1ine in #6057
- Add a uniquely striking pair of brackets by @Pawkkie in #6068
- Replace WEATHER_HAS_EFFECT with HasWeatherEffect by @AlexOn1ine in #6069
- Converts a bunch of defines to enums by @Bassoonian in #6071
- Replaced
#defines with theBattleTerrain
enum - Replaced
#defines with theMapType
enum - Replaced
#defines with theMapBattleScene
enum - Replaced
#defines with theBackAnim
enum - Replaced
#defines with theAnimFunctionIDs
enum - Replaced
#defines with theInGameTradeID
enum - Replaced
#defines with theTRAINER_CLASS
- Replaced
- Return the universe to a state of balanced quilibrium by @Pawkkie in #6074
- Cleaned up Debug Menu by @AsparagusEduardo in #6070
- Remove gDecompressionBuffer by @DizzyEggg in #6029
- Cleaned up Trainer Slides, added automated Trainer Slide tests, add new Enemy Critical Hit Slide by @pkmnsnfrn and @AlexOn1ine, @hedara90, @AsparagusEduardo, @mrgriffin in #6018
- If users created new entries in sTrainerSlides, they will need to be ported to the new system.
- Terrain function standarization by @fdeblasio in #6097
- Updated trainer pic tutorial by @fdeblasio in #6049
- Remove UnusedBattleInit from battle_bg.c by @DizzyEggg in #6116
- Consolidated contest opponent filters into gContestOpponents by @fdeblasio in #6119
- Replace BattleStruct members quickClawRandom/quickDrawRandom with locals by @AlexOn1ine in #6136
- Updated Trainer Ids used in Trainer Slides tests by @pkmnsnfrn and @AlexOn1ine found the original bug, @AsparagusEduardo confirmed it in #6138
- Added Difficulty Fallback for Trainer Slides by @pkmnsnfrn in #6088
- Clean up follow up for Simultaneous Reduction HP by @AlexOn1ine in #6139
- Remove global sBattler_AI by @AlexOn1ine in #6128
- Clarify MOVE_EFFECT_SLEEP sleep clause handling by @Pawkkie in #6161
- Remove unused PainSplit scripting global by @AlexOn1ine in #6164
- Don't use SeedRng some places where it isn't necessary by @tertu-m in #6156
- Cleaned up party data access GetPartyBattlerData by @AsparagusEduardo in #6172
- Changed two LocalRandom calls to new LocalRandom32 by @hedara90 in #6173
- Cleanup some global battler ID usage by @ghoulslash in #6181
- Clean up - Add ability args instead of calcing the ability again by @AlexOn1ine in #6186
- CanAbilityX Function Cleanup by @ghoulslash in #6183
- SwitchType enum to clean up GetMostSuitableMonToSwitchInto by @Pawkkie in #6184
- Unify setreflect/setlightscreen and MOVE_EFFECT_REFLECT/LIGHT_SCREEN by @ghoulslash in #6196
- Removed Trainer Slides footgun by @AsparagusEduardo in #6205
- Fix typo in Nuzzle's description by @Bassoonian in #6209
- Consolidate duplicate dialogue of nature girl in Battle Frontier by @fdeblasio in #6195
- Fixed missing move encapsulation in upcoming by @AsparagusEduardo in #6226
- Consolidated Frontier teams into battle_frontier_trainers.h by @fdeblasio in #5892
- Add abstraction layer for battler positions by @AlexOn1ine in #6212
- Revert unintentional change by @AlexOn1ine in #6239
- Remove whitespace from trainers data file by @AsparagusEduardo in #6234
- Replaced hardcoded numbers in DexNav with variables by @fdeblasio in #6241
- fix for battle ui for add to party menu (#6229) by @fakuzatsu in #6240
- Changed bit order for follower graphicsId creation by @hedara90 in #6249
- Minor Clean up for CanAbilityX. Follow up for #6183 by @AlexOn1ine in #6252
- Moved sValidApprenticeMove into gMovesInfo by @fdeblasio in #6254
- Use more accurate count in MovesInfo by @AlexOn1ine in #6260
- Fix Extra
by @Deokishisu in #6261 - Expand usage of IsBattlerAlly (rename from IsAlly) by @AlexOn1ine in #6251
- Rename SetPhotonGeyser to a more general use and clean up by @AlexOn1ine in #6272
- Fix padding amount in MoveInfo by @AlexOn1ine in #6307
- Refactor testing flags and vars to not conflict with user ones by @hedara90 in #6301
- Clean up leftover from simu hp reduction development by @AlexOn1ine in #6323
- Remove pursuitSwitchByMove and additional if statement by @PhallenTree in #6326
🧪 Test Runner 🧪
- New Ally Switch test fails on CI by @AlexOn1ine in #5896
- Added final Sparkling Aria+Shield Dust interaction test by @hedara90 in #5923
- Converted 2 various to callnative by @AsparagusEduardo in #5950
- Removed
- Removed
- Cleaned up Trainer Slides, added automated Trainer Slide tests, add new Enemy Critical Hit Slide by @pkmnsnfrn and @AlexOn1ine, @hedara90, @AsparagusEduardo, @mrgriffin in #6018
- If users created new entries in sTrainerSlides, they will need to be ported to the new system.
- Tests for Big Pecks by @hedara90 in #6158
- Water Compaction tests by @hedara90 in #6159
- Wrote tests for Electrify by @hedara90 in #6179
- Sheer Force Test Fixes by @ghoulslash in #6198
- Minor Terrain Seed Test Improvement by @ghoulslash in #6207
- Fix Liquid Ooze + Leech Seed Test by @ghoulslash in #6217
- Prevented fanfares from playing in headless mode by @pkmnsnfrn and @hedara90, @AsparagusEduardo in #6219
- Added test support for 5 battle configs by @AsparagusEduardo in #5914
- Added missing Dream Eater and Reflect Type tests by @AsparagusEduardo in #6245
- Refactor testing flags and vars to not conflict with user ones by @hedara90 in #6301
- Fix ASSUMPTIONS not working by @DizzyEggg in #5869
- Updated Trainer Ids used in Trainer Slides tests by @pkmnsnfrn and @AlexOn1ine found the original bug, @AsparagusEduardo confirmed it in #6138
- Adjusted G-Max Depletion test by @AsparagusEduardo and @AlexOn1ine for being a cool dude being patient with me during the PR. in #6201
- Do not add TRAINER_FLAG_DOUBLE_BATTLE to recorded battles by @mrgriffin in #6285
- Fixes Brick Break/Psychic Fangs/Raging Bull breaking screens if target is immune by @PhallenTree in #6308
📚 Documentation 📚
- Updating install instructions by @hedara90 in #5610
- Install instructions have been moved into individual files under
- Install instructions have been moved into individual files under
- Documentation for DisableStruct by @AlexOn1ine in #6066
- Cleaned up Trainer Slides, added automated Trainer Slide tests, add new Enemy Critical Hit Slide by @pkmnsnfrn and @AlexOn1ine, @hedara90, @AsparagusEduardo, @mrgriffin in #6018
- If users created new entries in sTrainerSlides, they will need to be ported to the new system.
- Updated trainer pic tutorial by @fdeblasio in #6049
- Update how_to_testing_system.md by @hedara90 in #6281
📦 Branch Synchronisation 📦
- 11th of February in #6231
- Replace easy_chat alphabetialOrder magic numbers with EC_INDEX values by @rayrobdod in pret#2096
- Fixed switchout bug in multibattle where order of mons gets messed up by @shachar700 in pret#2099
New Contributors
- @khbsd made their first contribution in #5679
- @ExMingYan made their first contribution in #6220
- @Deokishisu made their first contribution in #6261
Full Changelog: expansion/1.10.2...1.11.0