To merge in this update, use the command git merge expansion-0.9.0
after setting up this repo as a remote.
This version was labeled retroactively after our versioning scheme was decided, meaning the version number may be arbitrary.
- Support for double wild battles with a single opponent by @DizzyEggg in #2238
- Gen 8 EXP Candies by @AgustinGDLV in #2142
- Affection/friendship battle mechanics by @LOuroboros in #2173
- Moves with EFFECT_PLACEHOLDER can't be used anymore. by @AsparagusEduardo in #2243
- Modified HP display to support HP with 4 digits by @DizzyEggg in #2256
- Enable BUGFIX by default by @AsparagusEduardo in #2258
- Updated Fairy icon to better match the rest of them by @AsparagusEduardo in #2269
- Gen5+ multihit odds. by @aarant in #2219
- IsAbilityPreventingEscape message in party menu by @ghoulslash in #2125
- ENDTURN_WISH not resetting gBattleStruct->turnSideTracker by @DizzyEggg in #2236
- Ability pop-up not displaying long abilities properly by @DizzyEggg in #2234
- Doubles 2 vs 1 interface by @DizzyEggg in #2238
- Fixed creation trio orbs not boosting power for non-base forms. by @AsparagusEduardo in #2242
- LoadSpecialPokePic now loads gender differences correctly by @AsparagusEduardo in #2247
- Fixed Net Ball Gen 7+ multiplier by @AsparagusEduardo in #2259
- Fix Escape Rope Message when on gen 8 mechanics by @ThirdLemon in #2263
- Up to 578064d by @AsparagusEduardo in #2264
- Fix multiple pokemon icons & tidying pokemon graphic folders by @Blackforest92 in #2206
- Get rid of garbage bytes in graphics.c by @DizzyEggg in #2235
- Fixed P_UPDATED_ABILITIES's comment by @LOuroboros in #2241
- Fixed critical capture fields not using TRUE or FALSE by @AsparagusEduardo in #2245
- Reworked branch defines into single compatibility define by @gruxor in #2237
- Removed unused local var in SetMonFormPSS by @LOuroboros in #2271
New Contributors
- @ThirdLemon made their first contribution in #2263
Full Changelog: expansion/0.8.0...expansion/0.9.0