github rgc99/irrigation_unlimited 2021.6.15

latest releases: 2024.5.0, 2024.1.0, 2023.11.0...
3 years ago

⭐ New features

  • The unloved/unused duration parameter in schedules when used in sequences is back with a twist. It will now influence the entire sequence adjusting the time of each zone to fit the new duration. Great for seasonal watering. Warning: This will have an undesired effect if you have accidentally specified a duration in your schedules in sequences. If so remove the parameter from the configuration.
  • Open multiple valves at once in a sequence. The zone_id now accepts a string or a list, separate multiple values with commas and enclose in square brackets i.e [1,2,3]. Closes #17

⚡ Enhancements

  • Various optimisations and cleanup.

📖 Documentation

  • Update readme
    • Update for multi-zone capability
    • Update for schedules in sequences when duration specified
    • Add seasonal watering example using sequences

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix state_changes_during_period deprecated function. Closes #18

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