github rg35xx-cfw/ rg35xx_plus_batocera_lite_koriki_alpha_20240116
Batocera Lite/Koriki Alpha for RG35XX Plus - 20240116

This is an early alpha image of batocera Lite/koriki for the RG35XX Plus, things are starting to work, but there many features missing at this point.

Important: there are still several performance issues with this release, while there are cores/emulators that are running fine, some others are not there yet. In general the build needs to be updated with optimizations, but there's still work to do.


New install:

  • Flash image to a new sdcard
  • Insert sdcard into the RG35XX Plus
  • Press power a few seconds to boot

Update from 2023/12/17 or 2023/12/20 version:

  • Extract the boot.tar.xz file
  • Copy its contents to the third partition of the SDCARD (boot-resource or BOOT)



  • Fixed audio click noise (not perfect but now very subtle)
  • Fixed audio volume controls (volume can be controlled with the keys and is saved during reboots)
  • Fixed audio not working on some emulators/cores
  • Added brightness controls (level is saved across reboots)
  • Added samba support. You can mount the SHARE partition as a network drive
  • What works: amstrad, mame, atari2600, atari5200, atari7800, wonderswan color, amiga(uae4arm), c64 (libretro x64), pico8, scummvm (core), vectrex, dosbox, pcengine, g&w, nes, gb, snes, gbc, gba, openbor, sg-1000, mastersystem, megadrive, gamegear, spectrum, neogeo, neocd, ngpc, psx, psp, odyssey2, drastic, n64 (.zip with parallel libretro core, z64/n64 with mupen64plus)
  • What is broken: scummvm standalone (unless using an external mouse), colecovision (missing core), Intellivision (probably a bios issue), msx2 (core missing), megacd, x86k (bios issue), flycast standalone
  • Dreamcast is not working via flycast standalone, but it works via If you run into issues, download the es_systems_dreamcast.cfg file and add it to [SHARE]/system/configs/emulationstation folder as a workaround


  • Fixed Overclock settings that were not correctly setup. In EmulationStation, change default setting in emulationstation settings
  • mupen64 now working
  • Added additional cores (gearcoleco, gem, race, vm, bk, gearbox, meteor, quicknes, cannonball, mame2003-xtreme, crocosd, supafaust, etc.). Note that not all cores are mapped in EmulationStation yet, in some cases you will need to open retroarch, and select the core manually to test.

Things that don't work:

  • Bluetooth
  • Brightness control
  • Audio has a static click sound when starting/stopping an emulator
  • Some cores/Standalone emulators:
    • Flycast
    • Drastic (requires a minor update)
    • Amiga performance is not there yet
  • Controls in ES are not mapped initially, just press a button and map them using ES mapping tool
  • HDMI (not tested)
  • Sleep/Supend
  • SDCard auto-expansion does not work at this time. You need to use two SDCards at this point
  • Boot time needs to be improved
  • ~~Error 256 when launching roms. If you get that error mount the sdcard on your computer and create a folder system/logs on the last partition of the SDcard (SHARE). ~~
  • Batocera bezels (not tested)
  • Menu language change (graphical themes get updated, but the menu remains in English)
  • Drastic works but stylus mapping is not correct

Things that work:

  • Wifi
  • Controls
  • Many cores/emulators
  • EmulationStation
  • Simplemenu

Additional features:

  • Switching default launcher (ES/Batocera, Simplemenu/Koriki, or Retroarch):
    • Create a new file in [SHARE]/system/customlauncher with the text simplemenu in it.
    • The next time the system starts will launch simplemenu instead of EmulationStation
    • Possible values for the custom launcher file are: simplemenu, emulationstation, and retroarch
  • One or two SDCARDs?
    • Since SDCARD SHARE partition expansion does not work at this time, the best solution is to use a second sdcard for content.
    • If you want to use just one SDCARD, you will need to expand the last partition of the SDCARD (partition 4) to use the maximum space available, not that modifying the partition table of the batocera card may break the internal bootloader, so if the sdcard does not boot after expanding the card, refresh the image and use a second card for content.
  • General performance:
    • Expect some cores/emulators to perform better than the original RG35XX, but don't be surprised if some of them perform worse at this point. Cores and emulators have not been optimized yet


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