github revenz/FileFlows FF_0.8.0
Version 0.8.0

latest releases: FF_23_05, FF_1.1.0, FF_1.0.10...
2 years ago


  • External Database Support (MySQL / Maria)
    • Library Process Order: As Found (default), Random, Newest, Smallest, Largest
    • Enhanced logging, can view and search Server logs and Node logs all from the web console
  • "Pause" / "Resume" button now prompts for duration to pause for
  • Logging now logs to rolling log files which are kept for a configured amount of days
  • Links now have "noreferrer" on them
  • WAL mode is now used for SQLite database connections
  • Node: FFMPEG Builder: Custom Parameters
  • Node: FFMPEG Builder: Video Tag
  • Node: FFMPEG Builder: Set Language
    • This node was the "FFMPEG Build: Audio Set Language" but has been renamed and extended to support subtitles
  • Node: FFMPEG Builder: Track Reorder
    • This node was the "FFMPEG Build: Audio Track Reorder" but has been renamed and extended to support subtitles
  • Node now looks for additional Environmental variables for settings: NodeMappings, NodeRunnerCount, NodeEnabled


Patreon Only Features

  • External database support
  • Enhanced Logging
  • Auto Updates
  • Up to 10 Processing Nodes

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