github revanced-apks/build-apps 117

latest releases: v2024.10.20-1835, v2024.11.14-0948, v2024.10.13-1800...
23 months ago

CLI: revanced-cli-2.21.0-all.jar
Integrations: revanced-integrations-0.96.1.apk
Patches: revanced-patches-2.161.1.jar

2.161.1 (2023-02-11)

Bug Fixes

  • youtube/minimized-playback: disable when playing shorts (cd48030)

App Versions:
YouTube: 18.06.35
Music (arm64-v8a): 5.43.55
Music (arm-v7a): 5.43.55
Twitter: 9.69.1-release.0
Reddit: 2023.05.0
Twitch: 14.5.2
TikTok: 27.8.3
Citra: bed6a4f12
WarnWetter: 4.0.7
Windyapp: 34.0.2
NyxMusicPlayer: 2.2.5
IconPackStudio: 2.1 build 028
Tasker: 6.0.9

Install Vanced Microg to be able to use non-root YouTube or Music


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