github replicatedhq/kots v2021.12.9-nightly

pre-release3 years ago


0404926 Merge pull request #2386 from replicatedhq/laverya/centralize-encryption-key-management
675288d Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into laverya/centralize-encryption-key-management
67ba2d1 improve 'do nothing' comment
10b6d37 Merge pull request #2384 from replicatedhq/emosbaugh/sc-39755/kots-tests-fail-on-prs
c59faa5 Add multi-namespace-yeti-redis-registry secret to redis-test namespace
be618e4 move encryption keys to central store
c21c5ca add current and available versions to upstream upgrade cmd (#2380)
b84794f Migrate snapshots from objectstore to PVC (#2363)
e4fddb9 Merge pull request #2368 from replicatedhq/laverya/config-export
819369e refactor configGroupToValues, improve error messaging
1efc2b7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into laverya/config-export
1b95233 refactor get to use subcommands instead of a manual case statement
c164414 config export command

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