github replicatedhq/kots v1.18.0-beta.2

pre-release3 years ago


2c22268 Merge pull request #913 from replicatedhq/divolgin/join
f2b3927 Addressing review comments
4f27291 Merge pull request #916 from replicatedhq/laverya/cannot-install-current-version-message
23bf93a Grayson fix empty state flash (#912)
7431953 add a special message for failing to install the current version
02c6282 Merge pull request #911 from replicatedhq/ca-depgraph
938a653 fix other s3 compatible storage for snapshots (#914)
b17b49e fetch versions downloaded by automatic updates (#909)
0ec058b Generate new certs to be used for joining nodes
24df213 Add ca template functions to dependency graph
7574b10 Use the right sequences (#908)
18e2286 backup current downstream version, not latest app version (#907)
fddd027 exclude status informers before sending to operator (#906)
9fa8c74 Handle showing errors for bad kots release blocking diff creation for newer releases (#905)
50210c5 Merge pull request #904 from replicatedhq/emosbaugh/diff-return-error
2ac7d1a Diff renderedcontents handler return error response on failed kustomize build
be5ed61 Do not fail on license sync error on application updates (#899)
6a9cc00 upgrade replicatedhq/ship-init to version 1.6.23 (#900)
9fc15ec Merge pull request #833 from replicatedhq/laverya/tls-cert-dep-chain
3abda3b move getKotsApp query to go (#873)
90e777f support when field for config groups (#898)
5ce2fdb move getKotsDownstreamOutput query to go (#895)
a08e9b2 fix depgraph tests
91a8839 fix kotsadm web tests in github action (#892)
59c870a move resetGitOpsData mutation to go (#893)
a403649 add TLSCert and TLSKey to configoption dep resolution
5ed3eea Diff summary error (#891)
87acd16 Merge pull request #890 from replicatedhq/generic-kots-error
7d7a9b8 Fix generic kustomize error during kots pull release
39a1938 integrate apollo back in navbar (#889)
58086e3 Merge pull request #888 from replicatedhq/divolgin/images
50152f5 handle nil configmap data in gitops (#887)
405aaef Add pull secrets and re-write image in Pod objects
94156f4 Merge pull request #880 from replicatedhq/divolgin/proxies
7459296 Set proxy env variables in kotsadm API
5654ff6 Merge pull request #876 from replicatedhq/jelena-restore-extra-update
42f3610 restore needs a lot more confirmation before deleting volumes and starting over
1bff80e move updateAppGitops mutation to go (#883)
95500dc move disableAppGitOps mutation to go (#882)
8d59daa move logout mutation to go (#877)
f819e85 Merge pull request #879 from replicatedhq/fix-getting-install-status
e239b12 Merge pull request #878 from replicatedhq/jelena-yaml-errors-checks
000b60c updates
8364a84 fix getting install status when no app
9723bbc Additional checks on yaml errors
323af55 move collectoSupportBundle query to go (#875)
d3bfe55 move setPrometheusAddress mutation to go (#874)
8407cb4 Merge pull request #872 from replicatedhq/move-get-online-install-status-to-go
757fa67 move getOnlineInstallStatus query to go
dffd59a Merge pull request #871 from replicatedhq/move-get-airgap-install-status-to-go
2ebabca move getAirgapInstallStatus query to go
83f6b65 Merge pull request #870 from replicatedhq/fix-support-bundle-community-license-type
f1a902b fix license type in support bundle
fabbbbb Merge pull request #869 from replicatedhq/fi-uploading-support-bundle
4ce5c9e Merge pull request #868 from replicatedhq/move-get-support-bundle-to-go
5fb3e89 fix uploading a support bundle
cc1191c move getSupportBundle query to go
c9e7399 Merge pull request #867 from replicatedhq/divolgin/kots-install
69dcd33 encrypt plain text passwords on initial install
d64c457 Merge pull request #854 from replicatedhq/jelena-view-invalid-yaml-files
81e593d Updates on viewing invalid yaml files
cc141ce Merge pull request #864 from replicatedhq/fix-release-permissions
27d2392 Merge pull request #863 from replicatedhq/move-deploy-app-version-to-go
21d9aaf Add executable permissions for release build
31f935f Viewing invalid yaml files
bdd3f0f Merge pull request #862 from replicatedhq/fix-get-dashboard-job
c98ca32 move deployKotsVersion to go
3394136 Merge pull request #859 from replicatedhq/move-list-support-bundles-to-go
6583ebe fix getAppDashboard job in UI
db1e1ce fix list support bundle job
c7e73d3 Merge pull request #855 from replicatedhq/divolgin/snapshots
c8c5b46 Merge pull request #860 from replicatedhq/divolgin/kots-install
e42f982 exec permissions on kotsadm
9a4a699 Merge pull request #858 from replicatedhq/jelena-config-errors
5ba4a0d updates
9173770 move listSupportBundles query to go
efca5cd Merge pull request #852 from replicatedhq/reduce-image-size
de9c425 Fix - kots config screen Save button does not surface errors
a43b12b Use annotations to remove application before snapshot restore
e147792 Merge pull request #853 from emosbaugh/check-skipperfiles-archive
f85a6fd Check if skippedFiles directory exists everywhere, why not
866834c Check if skippedFiles directory exists
a5ee157 Merge pull request #845 from MikaelSmith/genCaCert
c863c92 Update TLSCACert and TLSKeyFromCA to always require all parameters
e777dfd Reduce image size, copy with chown flag
38f3f55 Generate CA and certificates from CA
8c753b6 Add yaml errors to file tree (#843)
93d9a9b Merge pull request #851 from replicatedhq/kotsadm-panic-containers-image
5622327 move getImageRewriteStatus query to go (#850)
5b0c250 Get app dashboard (#848)
a597ade Update dependency to fix panic
827c0b5 Merge pull request #849 from replicatedhq/jelena-invalid-yaml-files
1fc2bba move getImageRewriteStatus query to go
a975c9e Better surfacing of invalid files in a release in the UI
ae5cfec move getAppLicense to Go (#838)
1078daa YAML File Errors Proposal (#832)
bf9f118 Merge pull request #846 from replicatedhq/divolgin/fixes
afea37a Merge branch '1.17.2' into divolgin/fixes
c8664c6 Merge pull request #842 from replicatedhq/action-k3as
3db7be7 Test on multiple K3s versions
28dfce6 make sure logo displays properly on tls upload page (#841)
0f13231 Merge pull request #834 from replicatedhq/jelena-gitops-redirect
71403eb conditional status informers (#839)
d501051 Conditional status informers design proposal (#815)
0f78066 After configuring gitops ssh key navigate to global gitops page
2428882 use node 10 in gh actions (#837)
b85733b Merge pull request #835 from emosbaugh/omit-empty-hostname-in-kotsadm-tls-secret
a64f3e6 Merge pull request #817 from replicatedhq/jelena-updates-redactors
70714ef Omit empty hostname from kotsadm-tls secret
0c5523b Merge pull request #562 from austinchambers/patch-1
652decd Merge pull request #831 from replicatedhq/upstream-upgrade-deploy-pending
8655c36 error handling
8f77a5f Fix: upstream update should deploy
fc59877 Update dependencies (#826)
74ed604 Merge pull request #830 from replicatedhq/return-built-in-fields
6b1844f Include support for built-in license attributes in LicenseFieldValue template
dbfe3ce Managing redactors updates
b9f2bcc Merge pull request #824 from emosbaugh/fix-kotskinds-yamlerrors
30ead97 Merge pull request #825 from replicatedhq/grayson-logo-fixes
bcdc360 ensure that size and positioning of app icons are consistent throughout the app
1a2fed1 Fix kotskinds yamlErrors
afea474 Merge pull request #819 from replicatedhq/hide-yamlerrors
935f7cf Hide yamlErrors for now
69664c3 Merge pull request #816 from replicatedhq/laverya/redact-enabled-cors
9c794f6 respond to OPTIONS requests on /api/v1/redact/enabled/{slug}
db19fa0 Merge pull request #814 from replicatedhq/laverya/add-route-for-setting-redactor-enabled-status-only
254acf6 no need to yaml.Marshal the raw redact yaml again
f5051e6 wrap getConfigmap() errors
6a240be call the right handler 🤦
cf3809d add a route to only update a redactor's enabled status
01edada Merge pull request #813 from replicatedhq/jelena-bundle-download-loader
78fd43d Adding loader when downloading a bundle
1533a76 fix diffing in both UI and API (#810)
435a342 Merge pull request #808 from replicatedhq/jelena-gitops-version-disabled
5e112b1 Disable version if there is no commit hash when diffing releases
7f621f7 ability to rerun preflight checks (#807)
5407de9 Merge pull request #806 from replicatedhq/jelena-vsh-snapshots
d143541 Volume size human on backup list - fix
edd3a83 Merge pull request #805 from replicatedhq/license-sync-fix
1ef2214 Use a single clientset for the service polling to avoid warnings
8820e44 Merge pull request #799 from replicatedhq/jelena-blank-restore-fix
54f084e preflight result page design updates (#798)
5c52c5b Fix blank restore failed screen
494759b ch24513: Click-to-deploy is disabled, not automatic deploys.

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