37.154.0 (2024-01-29)
- deps: update ghcr.io/renovatebot/base-image docker tag to v1.15.0 (#26904) (5e1be5d)
- replacements: add migration from passport-saml to @node-saml/passport-saml (#26902) (b3cfc64)
Miscellaneous Chores
- deps: replace dependency npm-run-all with npm-run-all2 5.0.0 (#26894) (6f39ba1)
- deps: update actions/cache action to v4 (#26897) (bc5c75c)
- deps: update containerbase/internal-tools action to v3.0.51 (#26906) (a5d1b53)
- deps: update davidanson/markdownlint-cli2-action action to v15 (#26898) (39d0125)
- deps: update dependency npm-run-all2 to v6 (#26899) (df4d93c)
- deps: update github/codeql-action action to v3.23.2 (#26900) (fa06d11)
- scripts: fix markdown-lint-fix command (#26903) (7635a63)