github remix-run/remix v1.4.0

latest releases: v0.0.0-nightly-6eb6acf3f-20240511, remix@2.9.2, @remix-run/testing@2.9.2...
2 years ago

In this release, we have decided on what we think is a better way to implement or to import our modules in your Remix projects. What exactly does this mean?

Upcoming changes to module imports

You may have noticed in the package.json of your Remix projects that you depend on a few different packages under the @remix-run scope, regardless of where you deploy. But in your code you are importing your modules from the core remix module. This is a simple interface for developers using our modules, what are all of the other packages doing here?

But why?

Behind the scenes, we are actually doing a bit of ✨ magic ✨; the remix setup script that runs in the postinstall book actually copies all of the modules you need from the various Remix packages in your node_modules into the core remix package. Before this script runs, the remix package isn't actually doing anything.

We called this the "magic imports" feature, and we thought it was a pretty great way to simplify the experience for you. This way you don't need to know where specific modules come from. Sounds nice, right?

However, this has caused a number of problems. Various deploy targets use node_modules differently, and getting things to "just work" has created issues with deploying to those platforms. It also adds a great deal of complexity that otherwise wouldn't exist. In addition, this approach breaks package managers such as pnpm and Yarn PnP.

It also obscures where the modules you're importing actually come from and where they end up in your source code. If you need to debug a confusing error about server code ending up in your client bundle, it's not always obvious if you're are using a module that's intended for the server in the wrong place. So while the developer experience might feel simpler when initially authoring the code, the downside is that debugging issues can become much more difficult and time consuming.

We have decided that this is not the best approach, so we now advise importing from the source packages themselves. While you do need to know a few more package names and what modules they expose, we think the benefit is worth it for everyone. That said, IDEs these days can do most of the heavy lifting with features like auto-imports and code completion.

What do I do next?

First off, this release doesn't break your existing code. Your old imports are still supported. But to prepare for future changes we have introduced a migrate script which will do most of the refactoring work for you. Based on your deploy target, this script will know how to rewrite all of your imports so you shouldn't have to touch them. It will also update your package JSON to remove dependencies you don't need, and when the script is complete it will outline any required additional work that might be needed. From there, you're off to the races. Your code is more future proof, more resilient, and less ✨ magic ✨ than before.

To execute the script in your project:

  1. Upgrade the @remix-run/dev to v1.4.0 (should be in your devDependencies)
  2. Run npx @remix-run/dev@latest migrate from your project root and follow the prompts

What's Changed

✨ Features

  • @remix-run/dev: Introduce the migrate command to replace remix imports with specific @remix-run modules (#2670)

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Auto-detect package manager when installing via create-remix (#2562)
  • Fix Remix templates create-remix when the conflict with local files with the same name (#2733)

💅 Enhancements

  • Improvements to remix-serve to prevent crashing on various Node signals (#2528, #1822)
  • Make getDependenciesToBundle more resilient to misconfigured packages.json (#2593)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.3.5...v1.4.0

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