github remirror/remirror @remirror/react@1.0.38

23 months ago


Patch Changes

  • Add a built in extension allowing external code to subscribe to document changes.

    manager.getExtension(DocChangedExtension).addHandler('docChanged', mock);
  • Add a hook, and 2 React components to simplify subscribing to document changes.

    Adds a useDocChanged hook, which when given a handler function, calls it with the transactions and state when document is changed.

    import { useCallback } from 'react';
    import { useDocChanged } from '@remirror/react';
      useCallback(({ tr, transactions, state }) => {
        console.log('Transaction', tr);
        console.log('Transactions', transactions);
        console.log('EditorState', state);
      }, []),

    Also adds two React components, OnChangeJSON and OnChangeHTML which accept a handler function, which is called with the JSON or HTML serialisation of doc state, whenever the document is changed.

    import { useCallback } from 'react';
    import { OnChangeJSON, OnChangeHTML } from '@remirror/react';
    const handleChangeJSON = useCallback((json) => {
      console.log('JSON serialised state', json);
    }, []);
    const handleChangeHTML = useCallback((html) => {
      console.log('HTML serialised state', html);
    }, []);
    return (
      <Remirror manager={manager} autoRender>
        <OnChangeJSON onChange={handleChangeJSON} />
        <OnChangeHTML onChange={handleChangeHTML} />
  • Updated dependencies []:

    • @remirror/extension-placeholder@1.0.25
    • @remirror/extension-positioner@1.2.6
    • @remirror/extension-react-component@1.1.13
    • @remirror/extension-react-ssr@1.0.25
    • @remirror/extension-react-tables@1.0.38
    • @remirror/preset-react@1.0.27
    • @remirror/react-components@1.0.35
    • @remirror/react-core@1.2.2
    • @remirror/react-hooks@1.0.35
    • @remirror/react-renderer@1.0.25
    • @remirror/react-ssr@1.0.25

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