github release-drafter/release-drafter v5.5.0
v5.5.0 (🎆 The Last Release of the Decade)

latest releases: v6.0.0, v6, v5.25.0...
4 years ago

As 2020 draws near, we'd like to extend our thanks to the many contributors that help make Release Drafter possible: @Casz, @halkeye, @rnorth, @tomkuehl, @zhigang1992, @balloob, @JamesMGreene, @oleg-nenashev, @pdcmoreira, @gfreezy, @abraham, @JasonEtco, @ticky, @LaurenceGA, @salmanulfarzy, @wolfeidau, @ryamaguchi0220, @toolmantim and @TimonVS.

We'd also like to extend our thanks to everyone who reported a bug, requested a new feature or participated in any other way. You inspire us to improve Release Drafter!

To our users and contributors: we wish all of you a very Happy New Year! 🎊

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