github refinedev/refine v3.1.0

🚀 Welcome to Refine Headless - v3

Motivation behind breaking changes

One of the big requests we received from the Community after we released the first version of refine was that refine could be used with different UI frameworks other than Ant Design.
We are happy to announce that you can use it as refine Headless on top of these requests. Now refine is a headless framework and works in harmony with the any UI framework you choose. At the same time, all projects made with Refine@2 are also Refine@3 compatible.

With refine 3.x.x headless version, we have released two new packages named @pankod/refine-core and @pankod/refine-antd. The refine-core package includes UI independent hooks and components. The refine-antd package includes Ant Design components and there are table, form, select, etc hooks and components compatible with @pankod/refine-core.

🪄 Migrating your project automatically with refine-codemod (magic time)✨

@pankod/refine-codemod package handles the breaking changes for your project automatically, without any manual steps. It migrates your project from 2.x.x to 3.x.x.

Just cd into root folder of your project (where package.json is contained) and run this command:

npx @pankod/refine-codemod refine2-to-refine3

And it's done. Now your project uses refine@3.x.x. 🚀

😇 Need help with the migration? We are waiting for you on Discord! -> Join the Discord Community

Wondering what's changed? -> Migration Guide
Check out Product Roadmap -> Refine Roadmap

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