github refinedev/refine @refinedev/remix-router@3.0.0

Major Changes

  • #5355 5acc257f8b Thanks @rodbs! - Upgrade to Remix v2

    Upgraded @refinedev/remix-router to use Remix v2. This version change does not contain any breaking changes on the @refinedev/remix-router side.

    Depending on your project's status, if you decide to upgrade to Remix v2, you may or may not need to make necessary changes to your project. Please refer to the Remix v2 upgrade guide for more information.

    If your project is created with create-refine-app which already initializes Remix projects using the v2 routing convention, you'll need to make the below changes to get rid of the warnings:

    /** @type {import('@remix-run/dev').AppConfig} */
    module.exports = {
    -  future: {
    -    v2_routeConvention: true,
    -  },

    Due to the change in its default value, you may also need to set serverModuleFormat to "cjs" in your remix.config.js file:

    /** @type {import('@remix-run/dev').RemixConfig */
    module.exports = {
    +  serverModuleFormat: "cjs",

    Other than the changes mentioned above, @refinedev/remix-router and rest of the Refine packages should work as expected without requiring any changes.

    Migration Guide for @refinedev/remix-router

    Install the latest version of @refinedev/remix-router and @refinedev/cli:

    npm i @refinedev/remix-router@latest @refinedev/cli@latest

    You'll also need to update your remix dependencies:

    npm i @remix-run/node@latest @remix-run/react@latest @remix-run/serve@latest

    Please refer to the Remix v2 upgrade guide for more information.

    You may also receive a warning when you try to build and run your production build on your local. This is because @remix-run/serve requires a built path to be passed to it. @refinedev/cli will provide a fallback value for this which may work for your app but CLI will still warn you about it. You can either ignore the warning or provide a built path to start command.

      "scripts": {
    -    "start": "refine start",
    +    "start": "refine start ./build/index.js",

    There should be no changes necessary regarding @refinedev/remix-router but your app may need to be updated according to the changes in Remix v2. Please refer to the Remix v2 upgrade guide for more information.

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