github refinedev/refine @refinedev/nextjs-router@5.5.7

Patch Changes

  • #5597 1738981da0 Thanks @alicanerdurmaz! - fix: meta has corrupted route parameters.

    parse function from @refinedev/nextjs-router provides returns search params as following structure:

        "pageSize": "25",
        "current": "1",
        "sorters[0][field]": "status",
        "sorters[0][order]": "asc",
        "filters[0][field]": "status",
        "filters[0][value]": "draft",
        "filters[0][operator]": "contains"

    This structure is not predictable and not sanitazble. So, parse function has been updated to provide following structure:

        "pageSize": "25",
        "current": "1",
        "sorters": [
                "field": "status",
                "order": "asc"
        "filters": [
                "field": "status",
                "value": "draft",
                "operator": "contains"

    With this schema we can easily sanitize, deduplicate and predict the structure of the query parameters.

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