github refinedev/refine @refinedev/inferencer@4.6.0

Minor Changes

  • #5761 399911617b2 Thanks @aliemir! - Migrated from outdated @tabler/icons@1 to @tabler/icons-react@3 to make sure we're using the latest available version of the library without requiring users to pin to a deprecated version.

    If your project doesn't include @tabler/icons you won't be affected by this change. If you're using @tabler/icons@1 in your project, you may need to update your dependency to latest version of @tabler/icons-react to avoid conflicting dependencies. Practically, this should not introduce any breaking changes to your project and all the icons in @tabler/icons@1 should also be available in the latest version of @tabler/icons-react.

Patch Changes

  • #5765 0c197d82393 Thanks @aliemir! - fix: @tabler/icons-react imports in CJS builds

    imports from @tabler/icons-react end up requiring the ESM build in CJS environments, to prevent this we've added added an esbuild plugin to replace the imports with the correct path for CJS bundles.

  • #5765 0c197d82393 Thanks @aliemir! - refactor: package bundles and package.json configuration for exports

    Previously, Refine packages had exported ESM and CJS bundles with same .js extension and same types for both with .d.ts extensions. This was causing issues with bundlers and compilers to pick up the wrong files for the wrong environment. Now we're outputting ESM bundles with .mjs extension and CJS bundles with .cjs extension. Also types are now exported with both .d.mts and .d.cts extensions.

    In older versions ESM and CJS outputs of some packages were using wrong imports/requires to dependencies causing errors in some environments. This will be fixed since now we're also enforcing the module type with extensions.

    Above mentioned changes also supported with changes in package.json files of the packages to support the new extensions and types. All Refine packages now include exports fields in their configuration to make sure the correct bundle is picked up by the bundlers and compilers.

  • #5765 0c197d82393 Thanks @aliemir! - Fixed the lodash-es imports for ESM builds to access the exports properly.

  • #5754 56ed144a0f5 Thanks @alicanerdurmaz! - chore: TypeScript upgraded to v5.x.x. #5752

  • #5739 e9bbb1aa5af Thanks @aliemir! - Removed redundant usage of IResourceComponentsProps type in generated components. This type only works with legacy routers and <RefineRoutes /> component, its usage outside of these scopes are unnecessary.

  • #5765 0c197d82393 Thanks @aliemir! - fix: broken eslint plugin for removing test ids from components

    Eslint plugin to remove test ids from components was broken and might miss some test ids to be included in the bundles.

  • Updated dependencies [4e8188a6652, 10ba9c34490, 2b5ac6f5409, 0c197d82393, 0c197d82393, 404b2ef5e1b, 56ed144a0f5, 0c197d82393, 10ba9c34490, 38f129f40ee, f32512b9042]:

    • @refinedev/core@4.49.0

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