github refinedev/refine @refinedev/core@4.49.0

Minor Changes

  • #5751 f32512b9042 Thanks @aliemir! - Added useResourceParams hook. This hook initially works similarly to useResource but it correctly handles the id and action params per active route and explicit parameters. In @refinedev/core and other Refine packages there was a common logic of handling the id since its inference is dependent on the active resource and route. The same also applies to the action parameter of forms. This hook handles these cases and provides a more consistent API to share the same logic without duplicating it.

    • id and action values returned from useResource is deprecated in favor of useResourceParams.
    • useForm hook is updated to use useResourceParams under the hood.
    • useShow hook is updated to use useResourceParams under the hood.
    • <CanAccess /> component is updated to use useResourceParams under the hood.

Patch Changes

  • #5737 4e8188a6652 Thanks @aliemir! - chore: updated content of to include installation, usage and scaffolding instructions.

  • #5808 10ba9c34490 Thanks @aliemir! - chore: improved useMutationMode hooks usage by accepting explicit values to be passed for mutationMode and undoableTimeout, handling the precedence of the values inside the hook rather than outside to avoid repetition

  • #5733 2b5ac6f5409 Thanks @alicanerdurmaz! - feat: added useTranslation hook. It combines useTranslate, useSetLocale and useGetLocale hooks and returns translate, changeLocale and getLocale methods from that hooks for better developer experience.

    It returns all i18nProvider methods in one hook. It can be used to translate texts, change the locale, and get the current locale in your own components.

    import { useTranslation } from "@refinedev/core";
    export const MyComponent = () => {
      const { translate, getLocale, changeLocale } = useTranslation();
      const currentLocale = getLocale();
      return (
            onClick={() => changeLocale("en")}
            disabled={currentLocale === "en"}
            onClick={() => changeLocale("de")}
            disabled={currentLocale === "de"}

    Example of combining useTranslation with useTranslate, useSetLocale and useGetLocale hooks.

    import {
    -  useGetLocale,
    -  useSetLocale,
    -  useTranslate,
    +  useTranslation,
    } from "@refinedev/core";
    export const MyComponent = () => {
    -  const changeLocale = useSetLocale();
    -  const getLocale = useGetLocale();
    -  const translate = useTranslate();
    +  const { translate, getLocale, changeLocale } = useTranslation();
      return <div>{/* ... */}</div>;
  • #5765 0c197d82393 Thanks @aliemir! - refactor: package bundles and package.json configuration for exports

    Previously, Refine packages had exported ESM and CJS bundles with same .js extension and same types for both with .d.ts extensions. This was causing issues with bundlers and compilers to pick up the wrong files for the wrong environment. Now we're outputting ESM bundles with .mjs extension and CJS bundles with .cjs extension. Also types are now exported with both .d.mts and .d.cts extensions.

    In older versions ESM and CJS outputs of some packages were using wrong imports/requires to dependencies causing errors in some environments. This will be fixed since now we're also enforcing the module type with extensions.

    Above mentioned changes also supported with changes in package.json files of the packages to support the new extensions and types. All Refine packages now include exports fields in their configuration to make sure the correct bundle is picked up by the bundlers and compilers.

  • #5765 0c197d82393 Thanks @aliemir! - Fixed the lodash-es imports for ESM builds to access the exports properly.

  • #5755 404b2ef5e1b Thanks @BatuhanW! - feat: refactor TS typings.

    Type definitions in src/interfaces folder moved to their main consumer's folder under types.ts files.

  • #5754 56ed144a0f5 Thanks @alicanerdurmaz! - chore: TypeScript upgraded to v5.x.x. #5752

  • #5765 0c197d82393 Thanks @aliemir! - Update papaparse imports to fix ESM exports to work properly

  • #5808 10ba9c34490 Thanks @aliemir! - feat: added headless button hooks

    We've added a new set of hooks to make it easier to create and manage UI buttons of Refine. There's a hook for each type of button which previously had duplicated logic across the codebase between UI integrations of Refine. Now all these buttons will be powered by the same hooks maintained in the @refinedev/core package to ensure consistency and reduce duplication.

    New Hooks:

    • useListButton: A navigation button that navigates to the list page of a resource.
    • useCreateButton: A navigation button that navigates to the create page of a resource.
    • useShowButton: A navigation button that navigates to the show page of a record.
    • useEditButton: A navigation button that navigates to the edit page of a record.
    • useCloneButton: A navigation button that navigates to the clone page of a record.
    • useRefreshButton: A button that triggers an invalidation of the cache of a record.
    • useDeleteButton: A button that triggers a delete mutation on a record.
    • useSaveButton: A button to be used inside a form to trigger a save mutation.
    • useExportButton: A button to be used with useExport to trigger an export bulk data of a resource.
    • useImportButton: A button to be used with useImport to trigger an import bulk data for a resource.
  • #5714 38f129f40ee Thanks @aliemir! - Refactored the internal logic of useForm to be more efficient and readable, along with few bug fixes and improvements to the useForm hook.

    These changes are related to the issue #5702 and resolves #5460.

    • onFinish now rejects when; - values is not provided, - resource is not defined, - id is required but not provided.
      previously these cases were silently ignored.
    • Same changes also applies to onFinishAutoSave.
    • onFinishAutoSave had an issue with returning the appropriate promise after being called. This resulted in unhandled promise rejections and uncontrollable resolved promises. Now it is fixed, onFinishAutoSave will resolve and reject based on the response of the mutation.
    • When using auto save, debounced calls will now be cancelled and the respective promises will be rejected with "cancelled by debounce" message. These changes might require an update to the code bases that uses onFinishAutoSave to handle the rejection of the promise to avoid unhandled promise rejections.
    • Combined the separated submit functions into one for sake of simplicity and consistency. (internal)
    • onFinish rejects and resolved regardless of the onMutationSuccess and onMutationError hooks are provided or not. (Resolves #5460)
    • meta values were concatenated multiple times causing confusion and unexpected behavior, now it is fixed. (internal)
    • Moved the id determination/inference logic to a separate hook. (internal)
  • Updated dependencies [0c197d82393, 56ed144a0f5]:

    • @refinedev/devtools-internal@1.1.7

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